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Q: How many minutes does it take for you to reach your best night vision?
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What is the best score for an eye vision test?

The best score for an eye vision test is 20/20, which states pretty much that you have perfect vision.

Color vision is best in the fovea centralis?


What eyesight is best?

20/20 is the NORMAL vision, not the best. basically a normal person can stand 20 feet from something and see it clearly. so a person who has 20/50 means that they have to stand 20 feet from an object that a normal person (who has 20/20) can see from 50 feet away. if you have 20/200, which is legally blind, you have to stand 20 feet from an object that a normal person can see from 200 feet away...can you fathom that?!?! well it's real. now on the flip side you can be better than 20/20. if i got your eyes checked and the doctor said i had 20/19 vision it would be 1 foot better than 20/20. so basically if you're standing 10 feet from something, i would be able to see the same thing you see from 20 feet away. so theoretically 20/1 would be the best vision possible, but i doubt if that's attainable by a human being. there might be a few animals out there, like the eagle or owl, that have something close to that. cats have good night vision buy i don't think they have good vision as far as distance goes, well not superb like eagles and owls. the best vision possible for a human is 20/10 because of the vision receptors in your is also the best vision recorded.

Can spinal fluid cause double vision?

Cerebrospinal fluid leaks may cause horizontal diplopia or double vision. This condition may be treated with best rest, hydration, and steroids.

You typically fail to consciously perceive that your own nose is in your line of vision This best illustrates?

selective attention

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Does a hamster have night-vision?

yes that's when they see best.

What animal has the best night vision of any animal to ever exist in the history of planet earth?

It would be very difficult to assess the night vision of animals that existed before relatively modern times. That being said, squids have the best ability to see in darkness. Not specifically "night vision" since it's always dark day or night that deep in the ocean.

Which has the best eyesight cats birds or people?

Birds do because they have night vision

Who makes night vision goggles?

When looking for cheap night vision goggles the best thing to do is not go for a brand new pair. Finding a used pair of ATN vipers or other brand would be the best bet to find a cheap one.

Which sensor receptive cells in the retina that function best in dim light and enable night vision are?


Can you buy night vision cameras on Amazon?

You can in fact purchase night vision cameras through Amazon. You will find different cameras with different features for different prices so that you are able to pick out the one that best suits your needs.

Who makes cheap night vision goggles?

u go to spy island and get a supersuit first and then uthey will give you night vision googles glow in the dark hand cuffs and one other thing that i forget

Are owls mostly active at night?

Owls have the best night vision of any animals. Their excellent hearing and sharp vision makes them capable of capturing prey regardless of the amount of light. About two thirds of the many species of owls hunt at night, but the remaining third are most active during daylight hours or at dusk.

I was wondering what is the best cam-corder with night vision or night mode for under 150 dollars I am planning to do a ghost hunting YouTube show. My question is Which one has the best Night mode?

A little more info, right now I am leaning toward the Aiptek MPVR+, because it has Night Mode, and other good features. Is the Night Mode good for recordering outside at night?

Where can one purchase ATN Night Vision products?

One can purchase ATN Nigh Vision products from a variety of retailers. Amazon is the best place with the widest variety of products but other optics vendors sell these products.

What is the best score for an eye vision test?

The best score for an eye vision test is 20/20, which states pretty much that you have perfect vision.

The best home surveillance systems?

Although you could use an average security camera for night surveillance the quality would be fairly low. For high quality video feeds at night cameras such as Zodiak Color Night Vision Cameras are amoung the preferred equipment.