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plant cells can make there own food because they have chloroplasts, but also have mitochondria, while animal cells only have mitochondria which doesn't make it's own food, because of the chloroplasts plants cells don't need as much mitochondria.

Mitochondria produces energy. Animal cells have more mitochondria because they need more energy. Plants don't move, so they don't need a lot of energy.

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A plant root hair cell typically has thousands of mitochondria due to their high energy demand for nutrient uptake and root growth.

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13y ago

They need lots of ATP energy molecules to actively transport mineral ions through carrier proteins into the cell from the soil solution against the concentration gradient.

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There is not a specific number.It may vary from cell to cell.

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Q: How many mitochondria does a plant root hair cell have?
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How many Mitochondria are in a Plant Cell?

The number of mitochondria in a plant cell can vary depending on the cell type and energy requirements. On average, a plant cell can have hundreds to thousands of mitochondria to support cellular activities such as respiration and energy production.

What cell has a cell wall many organelles including mitochondria a nucleus a vacuole and several chloroplasts?

This description fits a plant cell. Plant cells have a cell wall for structural support, various organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts for energy production, a nucleus for genetic material control, and a large central vacuole for storage and structural support.

What process takes place in the mitochondria of plant cells?

In plant cells, the process of cellular respiration takes place in the mitochondria. This process involves breaking down glucose to generate energy in the form of ATP, which the cell uses for various functions. Additionally, mitochondria in plant cells also play a role in regulating cell metabolism and signaling.

How many cells are in a plant cell?

A plant cell typically contains thousands to millions of cells, depending on the type of plant and its size. Each plant cell is a building block that contributes to the overall structure and function of the plant.

How many genomes does a plant cell have?

The largest genome in a plant cell is DNA in its nucleus. However, two organelles in the cell, the mitochondria and chloroplasts each have their own DNA as well, so a plant cell can have up to three different genomes.

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How do you destroy the mitochondria in the cell?

The only way to kill the mitochondria in the cell is.... die. Life's processes are fueled by the energy that the mitochondria produce with the molecules that are taken in whether be plant or animal. Animal cells may contain more than one mitochondria for each cell. There can be as many as 20 individual mitochondria housed in a single cell.

How many Mitochondria are in a Plant Cell?

The number of mitochondria in a plant cell can vary depending on the cell type and energy requirements. On average, a plant cell can have hundreds to thousands of mitochondria to support cellular activities such as respiration and energy production.

What do plant and animals cell have in common?

They both have DNA, a nucleus, cell membranes, mitochondria, and many other cellular structures. Plant cells are the only ones with chloroplasts and cell walls though.

What cell has a cell wall many organelles including mitochondria a nucleus a vacuole and several chloroplasts?

This description fits a plant cell. Plant cells have a cell wall for structural support, various organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts for energy production, a nucleus for genetic material control, and a large central vacuole for storage and structural support.

How many mitochondria in a plant cell?

Assuming that the plant cell is a sphere of about 25 micrometer in radius, you can estimate the volume = 6.5 x 10-14 m3 Assuming that mitochondria are spherical as well (which is not true, but we're estimating things here), their diameter is about 1.5 micrometers Volume = 1.8 x 10-18 m3 Now, dividing the plant cell volume by the mitochondrium volume gives roughly 36,000 mitochondria.

What does both a plant cell and an animal cell have?

There are many organelles. Some are nucleus,plasma membrane,golgi,ER,LYSOSOMES, CYTOSKELETON,MITOCHONDRIA ETC

What is a mitochondria in a cell do and what is it there for?

mitochondria is present in both plant and animal cell.It is also called as the power house of the cell,it provides energy to the call so that they perform many functions of the cells.It forms ATP that provides energy.

What process takes place in the mitochondria of plant cells?

In plant cells, the process of cellular respiration takes place in the mitochondria. This process involves breaking down glucose to generate energy in the form of ATP, which the cell uses for various functions. Additionally, mitochondria in plant cells also play a role in regulating cell metabolism and signaling.

How many cells are in a plant cell?

A plant cell typically contains thousands to millions of cells, depending on the type of plant and its size. Each plant cell is a building block that contributes to the overall structure and function of the plant.

How many genomes does a plant cell have?

The largest genome in a plant cell is DNA in its nucleus. However, two organelles in the cell, the mitochondria and chloroplasts each have their own DNA as well, so a plant cell can have up to three different genomes.

What would be the result if a plant cell had chloroplast but lacked mitochondria?

If a plant cell had chloroplasts but lacked mitochondria, it would not be able to perform cellular respiration to generate energy in the form of ATP. This could severely impact the cell's ability to function properly, as ATP is essential for many cellular processes. The presence of chloroplasts would allow the cell to still carry out photosynthesis to produce glucose, but without mitochondria, it would not be able to efficiently convert this glucose into ATP.

What are 3 organelles that the plant and animal cells share?

The nucleus, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum are three organelles that plant and animal cells share. The nucleus contains genetic material and controls cell functions, the mitochondria produce energy through cellular respiration, and the endoplasmic reticulum is involved in protein synthesis and transport within the cell.