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After meiosis II there will be four cells, each with its own genetically unique haploid nucleus. In females, only one of the four cells becomes a gamete (ovum). The ovum receives the majority of cytoplasm during cytokinesis, and is much larger than the other cells. In males, all four cells will become gametes (sperm cells).

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Q: How many nuclei are present when meiosis 2 is complete?
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How many nuclei are formed after meiosis is completed?


How many cells would have been present when meiosis 2 was complete?

Meiosis is the process of replicating sex gametes. At the end of a typical meiosis phase II there are 4 cells.

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How many chromosomes are present when meiosis starts?

In humans, 46 chromosomes are present when meiosis begins. The four daughter cells that result from meiosis have 23 chromosomes.

How many chromosomes are present when meiosis is started?

In humans, 46 chromosomes are present when meiosis begins. The four daughter cells that result from meiosis have 23 chromosomes.

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How many time nuclus divided in meiosis?

3 times and the original so you get 4 nuclei (one for each cell)

How many pairs of the nucleus occur in meiosis?

in meiosis, two new haploid sex cells are "born" by the division of two other haploid sex cells. So, at the end, there are 4 nuclei.

If a organisms has 500 chromosomes how many will be present in each cell through process meiosis?

250 would be the 1N number after meiosis.

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When meiosis is finished how many cells are there?

After meiosis is complete, provided it proceeds normally, there will be four cells with half the genetic information of the original cell.