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Use a punnet square it may be a little tricky though.

Just remember which letter is dominant and which one is recessive.

heterozygous and Homozygous.

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There are three alleles involved, A, B, and O, and six possible genotypes: AA, BB, OO, AB, AO, and BO. The various genotypes result in four different phenotypes or blood types: A, B, O, and AB. Individuals have blood type A if their genotypes are AA or AO. Individuals have blood type B if their genotypes are BB or BO. Individuals have blood type O if their genotype is OO, and they have blood type AB if their genotype is AB.

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Two out of the possible four types of offspring had the same genotype as the parents.

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How many different genotype variations are possible in the offspring of these crossed rose bushes?

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Q: How many of the possible types of offspring had the same genotype as the parents?
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What percentage of the possible types of offspring had the same genotype as the parents?

If two parents with different genotypes produce offspring, 25% of the possible offspring will have the same genotype as one of the parents in a monohybrid cross (1 out of 4 possible genotypes).

What are the phenotypes and genotypes of the offspring from the mating of a person with type B blood with a person with type O blood in codominance?

The offspring will have genotype BO and the phenotype will be type B blood. In codominance, both alleles are expressed equally, so the offspring will inherit one B allele from the parent with type B blood and one O allele from the parent with type O blood.

What are the possible blood types of children from AB mother and an AB father?

Children of an AB mother and an AB father can only have blood types A, B, or AB. This is because the parents can only pass on alleles for blood type A and B. Children cannot inherit a blood type O from these parents.

Possible blood types of offspring?

Offspring can inherit blood type from their parents based on their genotypes. Possible blood types include A, B, AB, and O. A child's blood type will be determined by the combination of blood type alleles inherited from their parents.

What are the possible blood type outcomes of offspring with a mother with type A plus blood and father with B plus blood type?

The possible blood type outcomes for offspring of a mother with type A+ and a father with B+ are A+, B+, AB+, or O+. This is because their parents can pass on the A or B gene to the child, resulting in the potential for any combination of these blood types.

Related questions

What perentage of the possible types of the offspring had the same genotype as the parents?


What percentage of possible types of offspring had genotype of the same genotype as the parent?

75 percent

What percentage of possibles types of offspring had the same genotype as the parents?

That depends entirely on the genotypes of the parents.

How many of the possible types of offspring had the same genotype as the parent?


What is the percentage of the possible types of offspring had the same genotype as the parents?

Since there is no information on the genetic make up of the parents only a generalized set of answerscan be given.The chance of an offspring being genetically identical in every way to either or both of its parents is virtually nil.The percentages of individuals that match the genetics of the parents for a few traits can be determined through the use of a punnet square.For example considering a single trait where one parent is homozygous dominant and the other is homozygous recessive zero offspring will have the genotype of either parent.If the parents are heterozygous for a single trait 50% of the offspring will have the genotype of the parents for that trait.The more gene pairs considered the less likely an offspring identical to the parents is possible.

What percentage of the possible types of offspring had the same genotype as the parents?

If two parents with different genotypes produce offspring, 25% of the possible offspring will have the same genotype as one of the parents in a monohybrid cross (1 out of 4 possible genotypes).

What percentage of the possible types of offsprings had the same genotype as the parents?

That depends entirely on the genotypes of the parents.

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What percentage of the possible types of offspring had the same phenotype as the parents

What are the blood types possible in offspring if both the parents have 0 positive blood group?


What was the phenotype for seed shape of both parent?

What percentage of the possible types of offspring had the same phenotype as the parents

What percentage of the possible types of the offspring had the same phenotype as the parent?

25% The percentage of the possible types of offspring that had the same phenotype as the parents are : bB-bb,BB-Bb=25% has black hair (dad) and 75% has blonde hair (mom).

What are the phenotypes and genotypes of the offspring from the mating of a person with type B blood with a person with type O blood in codominance?

The offspring will have genotype BO and the phenotype will be type B blood. In codominance, both alleles are expressed equally, so the offspring will inherit one B allele from the parent with type B blood and one O allele from the parent with type O blood.