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Q: How many primary cilia stick out of cells that have them?
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Is cilia in fungi?

No,many do not cannot move.Chitridiomycotes have motile cells.

Where does cilliated tissues located?

Ciliated tissues are composed of cells containing cilia. Cilia or singular cilium are found in many tissues for examples ciliated cells are found in our lining of nose and ear and aswell as throat.

Why would a cell that moved by means of cilia or flagella require a relatively large number of mitochondria?

Movement of flagella or cilia is a active process.So the energy requirement is high.

Distinguish cilia and flagella?

Cilia are tiny hair like structures that cover a cell and help it to move, move liquid that is around it or to clean something. A flagellum is a whip-like tail, usually cells only have one, occasionally two, and help the cell to move. Cilia and flagellum are only found on animal cells and not all animal cells have them.

Are cilia and flagella found in every cell?

No, cilia and flagella are not found on every cell.Cilia can be found:1) on many organisms within the ciliate group of protists (single celled eukaryotes) eg: paramecium. These usually give the cell motility, but can also be for moving food.2) on certain cells of animals and humans, eg: respiratory epithelial cells and cells in female fallopian tubes. These serve to function the entire organism (eg: clearing mucous)3) on some plant cells, eg: within the division Cycadophyta. These are for motility of gametes.Flagella can be found:1) on many organisms within the flagellate group of protists (single celled eukaryotes) eg: euglena2) on certain cells of animals and humans, eg: sperm.3) on some bacteria species (prokaryotes) eg: SalmonellaentericaFlagella give a cell motility.

Related questions

What cell has cilia in it?

Many bacterias and some eukaryotic cells have cilia.

Is cilia in fungi?

No,many do not cannot move.Chitridiomycotes have motile cells.

What protrudes from cell's surfaces and enable movement?

The flagella protrude from cell's surface and enable movement of the cell. Many single celled eukaryotes use flagella for movement.

A long hair like structure use for movement?

In animal cells: cilia (many cilia per cell) In bacterial cells: flagella (only one per cell)

Where does cilliated tissues located?

Ciliated tissues are composed of cells containing cilia. Cilia or singular cilium are found in many tissues for examples ciliated cells are found in our lining of nose and ear and aswell as throat.

What are the hair like structures that are known as the street sweepers of the lungs called?

The hair-like structures found in the lungs are known as cilia, specifically motile cilia. There are other forms of cilia as well, for example non-motile cilia can be found in other organ systems, and as organelles on many cells in the body.

What are the tiny hairs in the human body?

What sort of cell? Single celled organisms have many types. Human's have many different cells a few with types of 'hair'. Cillia on the cells lining the lungs for example.

Do animal cells have cilium?

Many protozoans and bacterias have cilia for moving purpose. Cilia may also be found in eukaryotic organisms to increase surface area, such as in small intestine.

Why do paramecium have cilia?

The human respiratory system cells.

What are brains made of?

The primary cell in the brain is the neuron. There are also many supporting cells, such as astrocytes, glial cells and the like.

How many syllables cilia has?

it has one

What is the primary function of blue tack?

To stick stuff up, yet I use it to make many models