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Things like exposure to certain drugs can be found

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Q: How many things can you find out about a person with one strand of hair?
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What is the population of flies?

about every strand of a person's hair in the world

How big is a strand of human hair?

The length of a strand of human hair can vary greatly depending on the person. However, the width of a human hair, in terms of how big it is, can measure anywhere from 40 microns to 120 microns. A micron is 1 millionth of a meter.

What are microscopes used for in science?

To look at things so tiny like a strand of human hair or and adom

What are mucsles made of?

They are made of tiny red and pink ropes things. They get as thin as a strand of hair, or smaller!

What is a piece of hair called?

It is a strand of hair.

How is a strand test carried out?

a strand test is carried out after applying colour to a hair. You remove the colour of a strand of the hair to check if you have the desired result (colour)

How many molecules are in a strand of hair?

70,000 molecules in one hair strand ( average length, to shoulder)

Is it normal to find one random strand of light crimson hair because my hair is dark brown?

Well, if it's only one strand than there's nothing to worry about. But if you get more, then tell your parents

How do you a strand of hair?

talk to it

How is hair used to tell the age of a person?

Hair can be used to tell the age of a person by determining the levels of proteins and pigments found in a strand. This can only be done by scientific testing though.

Strand of human hair stronger than steel?

No that is a complete myth. A strand of hair is a very delicate thing.

What is the hair strand is embedded in the hair follicle?

a bulb