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Up to 1 liter per from 0000 to 2359

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Up to 50 millilitres.

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Q: How much snot does the human body produce during a cold?
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Related questions

How do humans thermoregulate in cold and warm situations?

In cold situations, the human body shivers to produce heat and the blood vessels constrict to retain heat, in hot situations the human body sweats to release heat. These are the ways the body thermoregulates.

Why do you perspire during warm weather than during cold weather?

The human body sweats when it needs to cool down, because evaporation removes heat.

During a class discussion about hot and cold weather emergencies you remind the class that the human body depends upon?

internal metabolism

How do the common cold spreads in the human body?

cuz it do

How can you tell that your body is cold?

When the human body becomes cold shivering begins. Also, goosebumps develop in an attempt to keep heat in the body.

The cold virus causes disease when it enters the of the human body?

Respiratory tract

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During a class discussion about hot and cold weather emergencies you remind the class that the human body depends upon what to cool itself in hot environments?


During a class discussion about hot and cold weather emergencies you remind the class that the human body depends upon to cool itself in hot environments?


What regulates heat?

A human body regulates its temperature by sweating and shivering. When the body is too hot, glands produce sweat which contains heat and evaporates, taking the heat with it. When a human is too cold, the body starts to shiver, a quick, repeated motion which generated heat from repeated muscle motion.

Will cells in the human body freeze?

Cells in the human body can freeze if they are subjected to cold for a long enough period. Frostbite is, and has been, a known threat to individuals who are out in the cold without protective clothing.

What does it meat when body is cold outside even when you sweat?

The human body has a set temp of 98.6 degrees. If the temp rises above that set point homeostasis mechanisms kick in. when this happens the body releases sweat from sweat glands all throughout the body. In most cases when this happens a human is going under a lot of strenuous activity. even if it is cold out side the body can still build up enough heat to activate homeostasis mechanisms and produce sweat.