

How much water does a greenhouse need?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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9y ago

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The amount of water needed in a greenhouse depends on the size of the greenhouse and the amount of irrigation it has. Plants in a greenhouse generally need far less water than regular plants.

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Q: How much water does a greenhouse need?
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Greenhouse gases need to be reduced. Scientists are finding a method to do the same.

How water vapour as a greenhouse gas contributes to the greenhouse effect?

Water vapour is a greenhouse gas that traps heat rising from the surface of the earth. In doing so it contributes to the natural greenhouse effect.

What effect does water vapor and carbon dioxide play into the greenhouse effect?

Water vapor and carbon dioxide both absorb heat. The sun's heat rises from the surface of the earth and is captured by these greenhouse gases. This natural greenhouse effect has kept the earth warm for millions of years. Too much greenhouse gas, unfortunately, is causing climate change.

What is the beautiful effect of the greenhouse effect?

The beautiful effect of the greenhouse effect is that it keeps us warm. The natural greenhouse effect is supported by the water and carbon cycles moving water and carbon in and out of the atmosphere, in balance. Without this natural effect the earth would be much colder, probably frozen, and we couldn't survive.

What are the possible implications of the greenhouse effect on land and water?

There is a natural greenhouse effect, supported by the carbon and water cycles, which keeps the land and water warm. Without this, the earth would be too cold for life. However, the enhanced (or accelerated) greenhouse effect is causing global warming. This is making the land and water much hotter, and all this extra energy is causing climate change.

Water and carbon dioxide are they the two largest contributors to Earth's greenhouse effect and are largely responsible for Earth's climate?

Yes. Water Vapor accounts for as much as 75% of the greenhouse effect. Carbon Dioxide accounts for 5 to 25% of the rest.

What major greenhouse gas is not contributing to the current increase in the greenhouse effect?

Water (vapor).

What substances trap heat from the earth in?

Water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone and nitrous oxide. They are known as 'greenhouse gases'.

What is the correlation of CO2 and temperature?

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. The more CO2 in the atmosphere, the more greenhouse effect we will get. The greenhouse effect is when our atmosphere reflects heat trying to leave Earth back to it. We need some of this heat back, but if we get too much of the greenhouse effect, global temperatures will keep rising higher and higher.

How do you use a greenhouse?

you simply use a greenhouse by putting plants in there and water them and then you simpley watch them grow

What happens if carbon dioxide methane and water vapor weren't in the atmosphere?

The earth would be much colder. These are greenhouse gases.

What greenhouse gases do in the atmosphere?

Greenhouse gases keep the earth warm.Too much greenhouse gas is causing global warming.