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diffusion: - the movement of molecules from high to low concentrations.

carbon dioxide is in higher concentration outside the leaf than inside so it DIFFUSES into the leaf THROUGH THE STOMATA and moves through the air spaces diffusing into the mesophyll cells for photosynthesis.

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14y ago
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12y ago

Obtaining of CO2 is not a problem for plant cells because it is produced by all plant cells during respiration .this is used by plant cells .Secondly plant absorb CO2 from atmosphere by their stomata .Aquatic plants absorb dissolved CO2 from water by diffusion . They also get CO2 from dissolved carbonates and bicarbonates .

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11y ago

The Cells Which Need CO2 Are Mesophyll Cells Inside The Leaf. The CO2 Can Get Into The Leaf Through Stomata Behind Each Stoma Is Ain Air Space Which Connects Up To Other Air Space Between The Spongy Cells. The CO@ Can Therefore Diffuse To All The Cells In the Leaf.

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14y ago

the air

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Q: How photosynthesising cells obtain carbon dioxide?
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Do cells use carbon dioxide?

No. Animal cells use Oxygen and give off carbon dioxide as a waste product. Plant cells use carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.

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No. Animal cells use Oxygen and give off carbon dioxide as a waste product. Plant cells use carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.

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Carbon dioxide is a product of cellular respiration.

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Yupp They Do The Glucose Reacts With The Oxygen Which Gives Us Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy

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Humans and animals produce carbon dioxide (CO2). They breath in oxygen, and in the mitochondria of cells, it creates carbon dioxide.

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the chloroplast cells carry out photosynthesis they take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen during the day. at night the chloroplasts stop photosynthesising

How does carbon dioxide get transported to and from the cells?

cellular respiration. carbon dioxide is basically waste product.