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One argument: Evolution is caused by a need to adapt to the world around it. It is fair to say that in a society so advanced that its technology allows human beings to live on Mars, 99-100 percent of people will be able to reach the stage of reproduction and bring up a child. In such a society, the concept of 'survival of the fittest' will be rendered obsolete and therefore so will evolution.

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Humans living on Mars would likely evolve over time through a process called adaptive evolution. Factors such as reduced gravity, different atmosphere, and limited resources would drive changes in our physiology to better suit the Martian environment. Traits like higher bone density, enhanced radiation resistance, and improved thermal regulation could develop to enhance survival and adaptability on Mars.

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Q: How will humans evolve if they lived on Mars?
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Which would evolve faster humans or bacteria?

Bacteria would evolve faster than humans due to their shorter generation times and larger population sizes, allowing for quicker adaptation to environmental changes and mutations to occur. Humans have longer generation times and smaller population sizes, slowing down the rate of evolution.

Did humans evolve?

Yes, humans evolved from earlier species over millions of years through a process known as biological evolution which is supported by scientific evidence.

Did humans just appear of did the evolve?

Humans evolved over millions of years from earlier hominid species. The process of evolution involved gradual changes in physical and behavioral traits that eventually led to the emergence of modern humans.

Could humans evolve gills?

It is highly unlikely that humans could evolve gills, as this would require drastic and improbable genetic changes. Humans are adapted to breathe air, and developing functional gills would involve significant alterations to our respiratory and circulatory systems. Additionally, the evolution of such a complex trait would likely take millions of years, if it were possible at all.

When was Mars descoverd?

Mars has been observable to humans for thousands of years; it was first formally discovered by ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians and Egyptians. However, the modern understanding of Mars, as a planet in our solar system, dates back to the 17th century when telescopic observations by astronomers like Galileo and Cassini provided more detailed information about its features.