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By counting the number of daughter cells resulting from mitotic and meiotic division

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Q: How would you distinguish human mitotic cells from human meiotic cells?
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Are Mesokaryotic Cells Human Cells?

No, since their nucleus divides through amitosis which resembles with the behavior of Prokaryotic cells, while human beings have entirely eukaryotic cells, which either divide through Mitotic or Meiotic division only. Dinoflagellates are the examples of mesokaryotes. :) ---- Jalaj joshi

Where are cells produced?

New cells are formed from the pre existing cells by cell division

CELLcells in a humen body A human body Cells no longer dividing are?

Cells which are no longer dividing and remain in the G0 phase are called post-mitotic or quiescent.

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What is meiosis assocuated with?

Activation of meiosis-specific genes is associated with depolyploidization of human tumor cells following radiation-induced mitotic catastrophe.

In human and many other eukaryotic species cells the nuclear membrane has to disappear in order for what to take place?

attachment of mitotic spindle to kinetochores

How many pair of chromosomes do normal human cells contain?

Gametic [haploid] Cells are chromosome number n - which involves 23 individual chromosomes. Somatic [or diploid] Cells are chromosome number 2n - which involves 23 pairs of chromosomes. Mitotic Cells are 4n.

How many cells are in the human body at birth?

As HUMANS, stem cells as they develop into our own specialised cells, as all animals start off as a fertilised egg, and it is our genetics that transform our stem cells into the many different specialised cells we need as humans.

What mitotic structures are present both in plant and animal cells?

All multicellular plants and animals, as well as fungi and protists, use mitotic cell division to develop from single cell organisms into organisms containing billions of cells. Mitosis continues in full-grown organisms replacing dying or repairing damaged cells. Throughout the human body, an estimated 25 million mitotic cell divisions occur every second in order to replace cells that have completed their normal life cycles. Some multicellular organisms rely on mitosis for asexual reproduction, and it is the only reproduction method used by many single-celled organisms.

What is the function of a haploid cell?

Haploid reproductive cells are called gametes or sex cells if human gametes like human body cells were produced through mitosis each gametes would have 46 chromosomes.

What is importance of mitotic cell division?

The importance of mitotic cell division is to make a greater amount of cells for repair and growth while maintaining the same genetic makeup MIOTIC CELL DIVISION IS ONLY FOR REPAIR SYSTEM OF CELLS IN BODIES. NOT FOR GENERATIVE PURPOSE. According to Human Anatomy and Physiology Labratory Manual tenth edition by Elaine N. Marieb and Susan J. Mitchell: page 45 " The function of cell division, including mitosis and cytokenesis in the body, is to increase the number of cells for growth and repair while maintaining their genetic heritage."

What is the osmosis in human cells?

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