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You have Lymphnodes in your Neck just below the base of the Jaw and Mouth. Sometimes when there is a problem with the lymphnodes you will have tongue welling and pain. Should this occur you should seek medical attention asap.

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Q: I had a flu and and then got put down with a lymph infection the doctor gave me penicillin Today my tongue on the same side as the lymph started to hurt Is this bad?
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Why does your tongue not grow hair?

There are no hair follicles on the tongue.

Why do you have cracks in your tongue?

A tongue that is constantly peeling for almost no reason at all is called a geographical tongue. Geographic tongue is a harmless (benign) oral condition that gives your tongue a map-like, or geographic, appearance. The distinct look of geographic tongue occurs when parts of your tongue are missing the layer of small bumps called papillae. This causes irregularly shaped smooth, red patches to form on parts of your tongue, like a rash. Although geographic tongue may look alarming, it doesn't cause any health problems and isn't associated with infection or cancer. Geographic tongue is usually painless but can sometimes cause tongue discomfort and increased sensitivity to certain substances. Geographic tongue often heals in one area and then moves (migrates) to a different part of your tongue. Geographic tongue is also known as benign migratory glossitis. If you have further issues that are of concern please contact your doctor as soon as possible.

Can sperm live in a tongue piercing hole?

WELL OF COURSE it can be fatal to any human being. Get a doctor to check it out you could get tongue cancer which can spread throughout your body.

What could be a small white bump in the middle of the tongue?

Actually the tongue is packed chock full of all kinds of bumpy nodules to register taste, hot and cold, sweet or sour, salty or bland and it's more likely to be one of these. It could be the start of a small ulcer or some other minor infection, so you should probably have a doctor look. The white bump comes and goes every month or so. last about a week

What are blisters on the back of tongue?

There are many things that can cause blood blisters on the back of the throat. Some examples would be mononucleosis, herpes, or ulcers from excessive vomiting.

Related questions

What happens if you get paus in your tongue ring?

It's obvious, go see a doctor! This is an infection, and you could lose your tongue because of it. GO SEE A DOCTOR!

What color should the veins be under your tongue?

Several thing can cause purple spots on the tongue including an infection. It is advisable to see a doctor or dentist.

What if tongue is white after piercing?

Go see a doctor. You either have an infection (white stuff on the surface of the tongue) or may have injured something (a tongue should be pink if it has adequate blood flow.)

How do you heal a bump that has formed on the bottom of your tongue a few weeks after a piercing?

You should see a doctor, as it might be an infection.

What is the best antibiotic for an impacted tooth that has spread infection to the tongue?

What is the BEST ANTIBIOTIC?!?!?!?!? Antibiotics treat infection and its just a matter of what you can and can't take (if you're allergic to penicillin, for example). It sounds like you're going to get some antibiotics from someone who isn't a dentist or doctor and "hope" that helps. Don't do it. If the infection is so bad that it has spread, that's trouble. Secondly taking antibiotics will not make the impacted tooth suddenly go away. Make a dental appointment. Or if money is an issue, contact a dental school to see if you can get low-cost or no-cost treatment. ~ T

What if your tongue is red and swelling in the back of your throat what should you do?

GO TO THE HOSPITAL! There is a big infection happening and the infection can go inwards and the outcome can be fatal. Don't risk it, get it checked out by a doctor!

Why does it burn when you pee if you let your dog lick your vaginia?

You have an infection and the only way to clear it is go to the doctor. A dog's tongue is full of bacteria ( think about where they lick and what they eat) so you have gotten something from doing this. Not smart.

Can ear infection cause numnbess of one side of tongue?

Can ear infection cause numnbess of one side of tongue?

What does it mean if i have a whitish tongue and it hurts to swallow?

It could be many things. See a doctor to be certain which one you have, but it sounds like an infection of some sort.

How long could you tell that your tongue infected?

if your tongue has puss and if it is yellow andw white and hurts to even touch could possably be infected but it is one of the worst places to get a infection so go see the doctor asap

Why is your tongue stinging burning while im pregnant?

Go see your doctor because it sounds like a fungal infection. It's quite common when pregnant.

What causes large spots on the back of your tongue the spots look like flat lentils?

You should talk to your doctor, it could be a Strep infection. If your body reacts badly to a strep infection, bad things can happen. You should have it looked at.