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If you have blood type a you can donate blood to other people who have type a blood and to people who have type ab blood. People with type a blood are said to have thicker blood than the other blood types.

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Blood type A differs from other blood types in terms of the antigens present on the surface of red blood cells. Blood type A has A antigens, blood type B has B antigens, blood type AB has both A and B antigens, and blood type O has neither A nor B antigens. This difference is important for blood transfusions and compatibility.

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Q: I have blood type A, and I know that somehow type A is different from the other types, but I would like to know what they are.?
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Did the microscope discover different blood types?

No, the microscope did not discover different blood types. Blood types were discovered through a series of experiments and observations by scientists such as Karl Landsteiner in the early 20th century, primarily through blood typing tests and serological reactions. The microscope was used to observe the physical characteristics of blood cells, but not to determine blood types.

What are some differences of having ab blood compared to having a different blood type?

One key difference of having AB blood type is that individuals with this blood type can receive blood transfusions from donors with A, B, AB, and O blood types. In contrast, individuals with other blood types may have more restrictions on the blood types they can receive. Another difference is that individuals with AB blood type are considered universal plasma donors as they can donate plasma to all blood types.

What is a hyenas blood type?

Hyenas have blood types that are similar to other mammals, typically consisting of A, B, and O blood groups. Additionally, they possess an additional antigen that can complicate blood transfusions between individuals with different blood types.

Why is the body better served by several different types of white blood cells?

Having different types of white blood cells allows the body to effectively combat a wide range of pathogens. Each type of white blood cell has specific functions, such as engulfing pathogens, producing antibodies, or coordinating immune responses, which work together to provide the best defense against infections and diseases. This diversity ensures a robust and balanced immune system capable of responding to various threats.

Name 3 types of white blood cells?

There are several types of white blood cells (leukocytes.) The 3 main groups are granulocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes. There are 3 types of granulocytes; neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils. There are 2 main types of lymphocytes; B cells and T cells. There are 4 types of T cells; cytotoxic T cells, helper T cells, suppressor T cells, and natural killer cells.

Related questions

What blood types do a- take and why and why doesnt it take the other blood types?

Blood types usually only take blood of the same type, with the exception of O. Different blood types, such as A and B, will see each other as a threat to the body, a foreign object, and will attack each other.

Where can I find out more about the four different blood types?

The most common blood type is O. This is referred to as the universal donor. The other three types are A,B and AB blood types. The O type is compatiable with the other three types of blood.

How are blood types different?

Blood types have different cells in them as well as different antigens.

Do dogs have different blood types?

yes. dogs have different blood types?

Why does different blood types make you more unique?

O negative blood is the universal donor and can be given to any person with any type of blood. Other blood types can not do this because their antigens.

What are the compatiable blood types?

I believe type O blood is the one blood type that can be matched to any of the other blood types. There is one type of blood, though, that is not compatible with type O blood. However, that is very rare.

What differentiates blood types from all other blood types?

Blood type O can recieve any type of blood transfusions. They can also recieve any type of plasma. O positive is a common blood type and those with it should take advantage of donating both blood and plasma.

What blood types do other animals have?

Animals can have a variety of blood types depending on the species. Dogs have different blood types such as DEA 1.1, DEA 1.2, DEA 3, and DEA 4. Cats have blood types A, B, and AB. Cattle have blood types known as A, B, C, F, and J. Horse blood types include A, C, D, K, and Q.

Can different blood types result from different antibodies being present on membranes of red blood cells?

Not quite. Different blood types result from different antigens present on the membranes of red blood cells.

Which of the blood types can receive blood from the largest number of other blood types?

Blood AB.

How is AB type blood different from other types of blood?

Blood type AB has both A and B antigens on their red blood cells, but neither type of antibody on their plasma. AB blood is a relatively new type of blood, having developed as a result of changing environments, and the co-mingling of two different blood types.

Is there different types of blood in cows?

No, all cows have the same type of blood, which is composed of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma like all other mammals.