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Q: I have many eyes but i can't see i have a crown on my head?
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Related questions

How many eyes does a ladybug have?

A ladybug has two compound eyes.

How many eyes do rattlesnakes have?

Rattlesnakes have 2 eyes, one on either side of the head.

How many eyes do squids have?

They have two on either side of their head.

How many cams in a 99 crown vic?

2 ( 1 camshaft for each cylinder head )

How many eyes do killer bees have?

Just the same as any other bee: 5. They have two compound eyes on either side of the head, and three simple eyes, called ocelli, on the top of the head.

Hard knot on top of head?

The only way to diagnose hard lumps on the head is to see a physician. They could be from many different causes.

How many eyes does a cricket grasshopper have?

A cricket grasshopper has two big eyes tha sits on opposite sides of its head.

What rests on Miss Liberty's head?

For the Statue of Liberty, Miss Liberty has a crown on her head. On other items there are many things that could rest on Miss Liberty's head. For example on the so-called "Mercury" dime she is depicted wearing a winged Liberty cap.

How many eyes do crustaceans have?

Though many people think it has 2 eyes on the top of its head, it really has 0 eyes. The 2 cross-eyed eyes at the top are really only to sense light, not to see.

How many times does a snake closes its eyelids in a minute?

A snake does not have eyelids so it cant close its eyes .

How many eyes flies have?

Flies have 5 eyes! Two of these being compound eyes consisting of many lenses. The other three (ocelli) are single lens eyes located in a triangle form above and in between the two compound eyes, on the top of the head.

Where are owls eyes located?

Their ears are holes on the sides of their head. Many owl species also have ear tufts on top of their head, but these are not their actual ears.