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No. If a cell contains a nucleus, it must be a eukaryote.

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Q: If a cell contains a nucleus it must be a prokaryote?
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If a cell contains a nucleus it must be a prokaryote.?

No, it is eukariotic.

Why must a cell have a nucleus?

They mustn't. That is, it's not actually required. Prokaryote cells, for example, don't have a nucleus.

What is a cell if it contains a nucleus?

A Eukaryotic Cell MUST contain a nucleus. A Prokaryotic Cell MUST NOT have a nucleus. A non-cell would be a virus.

If a cell contains a nucleus it must be a what?

eukaryoic cell

When using a light microscope to view a cell you obtaied from scraping under your fingernails you notice that the cell lacks a nucleus therefore you conclude that the cell must be a type of what cell?


If a cell contains a nucleus it must be?

The nucleus of the cell contains much of the DNA of the cell, and it regulates the activities of that cell, whatever those activities are.

Why each cell must have a nucleus?

Not all cells have nuclei. Red blood cells are denucleated. Some bacterial cells lack a nucleus from the get go.

What must cells have to perform different functions?

It must have a nucleus the nucleus is the brain of the cell

What is a cell called with no nucleus?

there is no such thing. a cell must have a nucleus to be considered a cell. 8) The answer above is wrong. Most bacteria have no nucleus. It is called prokaryotic when there is a missing nucleus.

Which plant cell has no nucleus?

Plants are eukaryotic, so they must all have nucleus.

Why must the nucleus of the unfertilized egg be destroyed before the parent cell's nucleus is inserted?

because the genetic material from the egg's nucleus must be eliminated

What are Non-photosynthetic bacteria?

A prokaryote cell is a cell which lacks a proper nucleus Or any other membrane bound organelles ( like vacuole ). It's opposite is a eukaryotic cell which has a proper nucleus and organelles.prokaryotic cells have a primitive nucleus (nucleoid) which does not contain a nuclear membrane. some basic organelles are absent in these. such cells are found in prokaryotes like bacteria.