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a copy of the inserted gene

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Q: If a gene is inserted into the DNA of a bacterial cell every cell produced by that cell will have?
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How did the bad E. coli develop?

a long-ago cell appears to have been infected with a bacterial virus. This particular virus had the ability to insert its own DNA into the bacteria's chromosome without harming the bacterium - and to remain there. Now, every time this bacterial cell divided, the virus DNA, being now a part of the bacterial DNA, was passed on to every daughter cell

Does a Bacterial cell have only a cell wall?

No, bacterial cell also have phospholipid bilayers.

How might the bacterial cell produced in step 6 be useful?

It will cause recombination. (side note: buy BEYONCÉ on itunes)

Is bacterial cell a endo spore?

yes a bacterial cell is an endo spore

How does a cell produced by meiosis differ from the parent cell?

They are identical in every aspect aside from age

Does a bacterial cell have a cell membrane?

Of course they are found in bacterial cells.Every living cell has a plasma membrane.

What does the bacterial cell reproduce that the human gene codes for?

the bacterial cell reproduces the bacterial chromosome that the human gene codes for.

How are bacterial cell and human body cell similar?

*there are made of cells *there the basic unite of structure and function *there are cells produced from other cells

What is the process in which bacterial cell takes in which DNA released by a different bacterial cell?


Which molecule from humans is inserted into bacteria to cause them to produce insulin?

No. When genes from humans are inserted into bacteria, the bacteria acts as factories that produce chemicals of importance to humans, such as insulin.

How is bacterial cell different from onion cell?

Bacterial cells are prokaryotic and the cells of an onion are eukaryotic.

Why is bacterial sporulation not a reproductive process?

The simple answer: the mother cell does not survive, i.e. no net increase in the population is attained. In bacterial reproduction, two daughter cells are produced, in sporulation, only one spore is made.