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Q: If a half-blood marries a pure-blood what blood will their child be?
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Is the child of a muggleborn and a muggle a muggleborn or a halfblood?

Half Blood. A Muggle Born Is Two Muggles Who have A Witch/Wizard Child (:

What problems will child suffer if a boy with blood group A positive marries a girl with blood group A negative?

The child will suffer from rh incompatibility.

Man with blood type B marries a woman with blood type A and their child is blood type O what is the porbabtility their next child will be blood type AB or B?

Twenty-five percent for any of the four possibilities.

A man heterozygous for blood type A marries a woman heterozygous for blood type B The chance that their first child will have type O blood?

25% for blood type O, 50% for blodd type AB, and 25% for A.

When O positive man marries an A Negative girl will their child have health problems?

Mixing blood types will not any impact on the health of a child, only the resultant inherited blood type. This particular mix will produce a child with an A pos or A neg or O pos or O neg blood group.

A woman who has type A blood marries a man with type B blood Their first child has type O blood What are the expected genotypic frequencies of all possible offspring that the parents can have?

ii, IAi, IBi, IAIB

Woman with A blood whose mother was O marries a man with AB blood?

Will have a baby with either: A blood, B blood, or AB blood. The mom must be AO with the husband, AB, gives either AA, AO, BO, or AB for a child.

Does child support stop when a child marries?

Normally, yes Check your laws.

When child marries does child support stop?

It does in Texas. Specify your state to get a more concrete answer.

In Oklahoma does child support end when a child marries?

Yes, marriage emancipates a minor.

Who will Bella end up with in Breaking Dawn?

She marries Edward and has his child.

If your child marries and she and her husband are living with you is that still considered a single family?
