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No! It is isotonic. But if the muscle contracts and the fibers do not shorten because the load is greater than the force applied to it, it is isometric.

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1mo ago

No, if a muscle contracts and its fibers shorten, the contraction is considered isotonic, not isometric. Isometric contractions occur when the muscle generates tension without changing its length.

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Q: If a muscle contracts and its fibers shorten is the contraction isometric?
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What is the type of contraction in which the muscle fibers produce increased tension but does not shorten?

An isometric contraction builds tension but there is no joint movement.

What type of contraction in which the muscle fibers do not shorten are called?

If the muscle can not shorten because the muscle is trying to move a load that is greater than the force, then the contraction is isometric.

Are the most body movements isotonic or isometric?

Most body movements are isotonic, meaning they involve muscles changing length and joint movement occurring. Isometric movements, where muscles contract without joint movement, are less common and usually involve activities like holding a static position or maintaining posture.

During which 2 periods of the cardiac cycle do the heart muscle fibers exhibit isometric contractions?

Isovolumetric contraction and Isovolumetric Relaxation

How is isometric exercise done?

During isometric exercises, muscles contract. However, there is no motion in the affected joints. The muscle fibers maintain a constant length throughout the entire contraction. The exercises are usually performed against an immovable.

What is the contraction phase?

The contraction phase refers to the stage of a muscle action where the muscle fibers shorten and generate force. This is when the muscle is actively contracting and pulling on the tendons to create movement.

How is the all-or-none response related to the strength of a muscle contraction?

The all-or-none response means that a muscle fiber contracts fully or not at all in response to a stimulus. The strength of a muscle contraction is determined by the number of muscle fibers that are recruited to contract, rather than the degree of contraction of individual muscle fibers. Therefore, the all-or-none response influences the overall strength of a muscle contraction by determining how many muscle fibers are activated.

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What are two fibers that cause contraction?

Actin and myosin are two fibers that cause contraction.

What is the word for muscular contraction involving muscle movement?

Isotonic contractions are the type that involve muscle movement. This movement is due to a change in length as the muscle fibers shorten or lengthen.

What fibers cause a contraction in the ventricle?

Pirkinje Fibers

Tissue has elongated cells that shorten and cause movement?

Muscle tissue is made up of elongated cells called muscle fibers that can contract and relax to produce movement. These muscle fibers contain specialized proteins that allow them to shorten and generate force, leading to various types of movements in the body.