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If animal cells contained chlorophyll, animals would be able to turn sunlight into their own food in just the way that plants do. They would not longer have to eat, and the for chain would cease to be.

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Q: If animal cells contained chlorophyll how would animal life be different?
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Is it true that animal cells derive their energy from chlorophyll?

Animal cells do not obtain their energy directly from chlorophyll. However, chlorophyll is vital for the survival of animals. Chlorophyll is the pigment contained in chloroplasts, which are the organelles in plants responsible for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis involves converting energy into a form that animals can use (glucose). This glucose is then broken down in the animal cell for energy. Therefore chlorophyll is indirectly responsible for producing the energy for animal cells.

Do animal cells contain chlorophyll?

I don't think they even have chlorophylls. Chlorophylls r founded in chloroplasts, but animal cells don't even have chloroplasts. Chlorophylls r used by producters during photothesis, but animals r consumers, not producters. They don't have to do photothynthesis.

Disk-shaped structure that contains chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll is contained in the chloroplasts which are unique to plant cells.

Why does a plant cell have a cell wall and chlorophyll and an animal cell doesn't?

Its because the plant needs to be stable because it would be really floppy, and the animal cell does not because it can move around the animal and it does not need to be stablised. Animal cells do not have chlorophyll because they don't need it. Plant cells need them because they take in sunlight and turn it into a sugar that is used for food for energy. Animal cells do not get their energy from the sun directly, they get it from oxygen. Animal cells do not photosythesise, which is what chlorophyll is for.

What organelles are found in the plant cells but not in the animal cell?

Chlorophyll is the only organelle that exists in plant cells and not animal cells.

Related questions

How Animal cells are different from plant cells because they lack a?

Animal cells dont have chlorophyll

What organelle in plant and animal cells use chlorophyll?

In Plant Cells, the Chloroplasts are the organelles the utilize or use chlorophyll. In Animal Cells, Chlorophyll is not used.

Why is chlorophyll important to the animal cell?

Animal cells don't have chlorophyll.

What things do plant cells have that animal cells do not have?


Would you find a chlorophyll in a plant cell or animal cell?

Plant cells only, animal cells do not contain chloroplasts or chlorophyll.

How are plabt and animal cell are different?

Animal cells have a cell membrane, centrioles, and mitochondria. Plant cells have a cell wall and cell membrane, chloroplasts and chlorophyll.

Is it true that animal cells derive their energy from chlorophyll?

Animal cells do not obtain their energy directly from chlorophyll. However, chlorophyll is vital for the survival of animals. Chlorophyll is the pigment contained in chloroplasts, which are the organelles in plants responsible for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis involves converting energy into a form that animals can use (glucose). This glucose is then broken down in the animal cell for energy. Therefore chlorophyll is indirectly responsible for producing the energy for animal cells.

Is chlorophyll in plant or animal cells?

It is found in plant cells.

What are two differences cells and animal cells?

plant cell shave a cell wall - animal cells do not plants cells have chlorophyll - animal cells do not

What structure are found in plant cells that are not found in animal cells?


What do animal cells and plats have that's different?

cell wall , large single or few vacuoles, chlorophyll are generally absent in animal cell, while found in plant cells.

What plant cells have that a animal cell doesn't?
