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There are 64 different triplet combinations of base pairs, which code for 22 different amino acids.

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Q: If each triplet of nitrogenous bases three bases on DNA codes for a specific amino acid how many amino acids will your original DNA model code for?
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What is the triplet code on mrna called?

The triplet code on mRNA is known as a codon. This 3-base sequence codes for a specific amino acid to be added to the chain (i.e. protein) being created.

How many different nitrogenous bases are found in nucleic acids?

There is a set of 5 nitrogenous bases used in the construction of nucleic acids.

What are nitrogenous waste examples of?

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How does Frameshift affect an organism?

frameshift is a type of genetic mutation.we all have nitrogenous bases present as triplet codons which codes for the 20 amino acids.3 specific bases codes for a specific amino acid.when any other base enters into this specific codon then there is a shift in the reading frame and the new codon formed doesn't transcribe to produce the same amino acid.this is also known as frame shift.

How nitrogenous bases code for amino acids?

Yes, amino acids contain nitrogen in their amine group.

How do nucleic provide nucleic acids with specific codes?

Nucleotides are merely the building blocks of nucleic acids like DNA and RNA. The specific order of these nucleotides are read in triplet form (AAC, ATA, etc.) as codons (which code for amino acids), and the combinations of these codons make up genes (which code for proteins).

How is the nitrogen base sequence of a gene related to the structure of a protein?

The sequence of nitrogenous bases (A, T, G and C) forms a code for the sequence of amino acids in a protein. The code is a triplet code. This means that three bases code for one amino acid. So, the order of the bases in a gene determines the order of the amino acids in a protein.

In the genetic code a group of three nitrogen bases codes for the attachment of a specific?

Three consecutive nitrogenous bases are called a codon and codons code for amino acids

How do nucleotides provide nucleic acid's with specific codes?

Nucleotides are merely the building blocks of nucleic acids like DNA and RNA. The specific order of these nucleotides are read in triplet form (AAC, ATA, etc.) as codons (which code for amino acids), and the combinations of these codons make up genes (which code for proteins).

The order of nitrogenous bases in DNA determines the order of what in organism?

The order of the Amino Acids in the protein chain.

What is the monomer of Nucleic Acids?

monomer of nucleic acids are a sugar, phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base

What is Nucleic Acids compose of?

Generally, a phosphate group, a deoxiribose sugar and a nitrogenous base.