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If you scrape your arm, if you look at your arm, you won't be seeing bacteria; you'll be seeing where the skin has been removed from your arm. The wound will clot decently quickly, and then the new skin will form and the scab can come off. If you keep the wound cold and dry (or hot and dry), your skin cells will be damaged (or at least impaired somehow), leaving them less able to divide and form new skin, making the wound take longer to heal.

Of course, as you point out, germs like warm, moist environments. This is precisely why people put chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide on cuts: the hydrogen peroxide will kill germs. I suppose it could also damage the tissue around the wound, but then again, your outer layer of skin is dead anyway, and pretty much the only thing that's alive on top of your skin is germs. That way, you no longer have so many germs on the wound, and your skin is left mostly intact.

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Q: If germs multiply faster in a warm moist environment then why do doctors say wounds heal faster if kept moist and covered?
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