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Certain herbivores will exceed carrying capacity.

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Q: If humans remove carnivorous predators from an ecosystem what will probably be the first observable result?
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Are dinosaurs enemies with each other?

The natural enemies of herbivorous dinosaurs were carnivorous dinosaurs, which hunted them. Carnivorous dinosaurs probably hunted smaller carnivorous species for food, and fought with those of their own or other species that were evenly matched over food. However, herbivorous dinosaurs probably only fought with predators or with others of their own species over mates.

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Bats do have some predators. Most bats are quite small, so they are easily preyed on by birds of prey, snakes, small carnivorous mammals like weasels, and rats. The largest bats, the flying foxes, probably have few predators.

Which is the largest carnivorous animal?

the largest living carnivorous land animal is probably a bear.

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No one knows exactly, but it is probably carnivorous.

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Hyenas were the predators (probably spotted hyenas).

Can watching people in college be an observable behavior?

Watching people in college is an observable behavior. In fact, there are probably a lot of theses and dissertations written specifically about the behaviors observed during college.

Is there any big carnivorous fish in Lake Erie that can phisicaly harm humans?

The muskellunge and its cousin, the northern pike. Both fish are fast, powerful predators with sharp teeth.They have been known to bite the rare foot or hand, probably mistaking it for a fish.

Is a cow a carnivorous animal?

nope! =D.....probably eats insects 0o0

Could carnivorous dinosaurs survive eating once a week?

Large carnivorous dinosaurs probably only ate once a week, maybe even a bit less. When they did eat, they probably gorged themselves on a big meal.

What are anteaters' predators?

they probably get eat by bigger animals then them

What are All of the living and nonliving things that interact in an area called?

I think what you're asking about is an ecosystem, although not all things in an ecosystem are living. If you're talking about things (usually 2) that rely on each other for survival, then you're probably talking about a symbiotic relationship. Hopefully this helps.

Do dogs have predators?

not all dogs have predators and if they do its probably us, human-hunters who want their fur.