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Pupillary constriction will occur, bilaterally, and evenly, in the normal individual.

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Q: If light is applied to a human eye how does it respond?
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how does the eye respond to light rays to manifest far sightedness

Do human photoreceptors respond to light in the 100-300 nm range?

No. Human eye scan see light int he 390-750 nm range. 100-300 nm is in the infrared range.

A failure of the red-sensitive nerves in the eye to respond to respond to light properly causes?

Color blindness is the failure of the red sensitive nerves in the eye that don't respond to light properly.

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Is human eye sensitive to red light?

yes the human eye is sensitive to red light

How would one define color spectrum?

The color spectrum refers to the color produced when light is dispersed through a prism and is visible to the human eye. Typically, a human eye will respond to color occurring at wavelengths from 390 to 770nm.

What is the human receiver of light?

The eye

Which structure of the eye contains the photoreceptors?

no. they are called eyes. photoreceptors are cells within the eye that respond to light such as cones and rods.

Light sensations caused by pressure applied to the eye are referred to as?


How does the human eye respond to energy?

We see out of the eye because of the light that's hits the eye and the light that we see it sends a signal to the brain and then we can see the picture.

What is difference between visible and infrared light?

Visible light is visible (for the human eye), infrared is not. Infrared has a longer wavelength, and a higher frequency. visible light is visible to human i.e the VIBGYOR, above vibgyor are ultravoilet light which is not visible to human eye and below vibgyor are infrared light which is also not visible to human eye.

How does the human eye process the light?

The retina is covered with specialized cells called rod cells (black and white) and cone cells (colors) they convert electrons that hit them into electrical impulses/nerve impulses that are interpreted by the brain. The locations of the millions of cells are transmitted in-time and curiously upside-down. The brain 'flips' the image to right side up.