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Q: If you damage the hair cells of the organ of Corti you're going to have a harder time with something What?
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The receptor organ for hearing is the?

Organ of Corti is the hearing organ and it rests on basilar membrane; consists of supporting cells and hair cells. Axons of the neurons that begin around the organ of Corti, extend in the cochlear nerve to the brain to produce the sensation of hearing.

Where are bipolar amacrine and ganglion cells located?

Retinal Cells, Olfactory epithelium Cells

The hearing receptors of the orgen of corti are called?

hair cells

Receptors that contains hair bundles hair cells and supporting cells?

spiral organ of Corti

Hair cells that function as hearing receptors are located?

spiral organ of Corti

Explain how sound waves stimulate the hair cells of the spiral organ of corti to cause hearing?

When the sound waves stimulate the hair cells of the spiral organ of corti to cause hearing, the impulses are usually sent to the brain.

What best describe where transduction of hearing takes place?

the transduction in hearing takes place at the organ of corti which includes tectorial membrane,sensory cells, basilar membrane and the auditory nerve.

As sound levels increase in the spiral organ of Corti?

outer hair cells stiffen the basilar membrane

What ear structures has hair cells that relay sound waves to auditory nerve fibers?

The Organ of Corti

Drugs that rid the body of eukaryotic parasites often have more side effects and are harder on the body than drugs that act on bacterial parasites suggest a reason for this difference?

We also have eukaryotic cells, so drugs which damage the parasites may damage you too. Procaryotic cells have features that the drugs can attack that do not exist in our cells, so wont damage us.

Does The organ of Corti contains sensitive hairlike cells?

yes. it's those hairlike cells that translate the waves and vibrations into neurological stimulus that the brain can understand and interprete.

Describe a hearing receptor?

These are things that catch the sounds that come to your ear. They may include the hair cells or the Organ of Corti.