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Cell reproduction is the way complex organisms like human beigns grow.

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a gentic code found in the organism's cells

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Q: If you dont get a new person each time your cells reproduce what does cell reproduction do for the body?
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How could you use asexual reproduction and mitosis in the same sentence?

Cells in the body, apart from the sex cells, reproduce by mitosis, a form of asexual reproduction where the chromosomes are identical in both the parent and the daughter cells.

What are the two methods the body uses the reproduce cells?

Mitosis. Where somatic cells divide when they have reached a certain growth phase.Meiosis. The sexual reproduction of haploid gametes.

What mutations that occur in body cells not involved in reproduction will not be passed on to the person offspring?


How do viruses reproduce compared to bacteria?

Viruses replicate inside body cells, using the host cell to do the work and provide the materials for reproduction. Bacteria reproduce outside body cells and, since, unlike viruses, they are living organisms, bacteria are able to do the work and production of new bacteria without a need for a host.A description of the 'Lytic Cycle', the process that some types of viruses follow in reproduction, is given in the related questions below for more detail of the process of reproduction of some viruses inside body cells.

What is the reproduction of all body cells called?

mitosis and the sexual reproduction of cells are called meiosis

What is the process in which cells reproduce body cells?


How do cells reproduce to make more body cells?

When you are injured, your body produces cells that heal the wound. All of the growth of your body is also a result of new cells produced by cell reproduction. Normally the cells produced for repair and growth are produced by mitosis.:)

Can human body cells reproduce asexually?

Asexual cell reproduction refers to the egg and sperm cells

When do cells split into two cells?

It's all part of a cell's life. The cell must split to reproduce. When the cells in your body split, you grow or they replace other dead cells. Reproduction is necessary for sustaining a living organism or population.

What are sexual and asexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction is when you need two beings to reproduce. for example: Humans need the sperm and the egg to create a baby. Asexual reproduction is when the being has both sex cells within it's body it does not need a partner to create an offspring. for example: amoebas.

What is the process by which cells reproduce?

Somatic (Body) Cells-Mitosis Gametes-Meiosis Mitosis is the process by which cells reproduce by dividing into identical daughter cells. In addition to normal body cells, mitosis is also how cancer cells divide.

Under what condition are muscle cells produces?

When your body grows, your muscle cells reproduce. Also when you are hurt or something your body will try to fix the wound and reproduce more muscle cells