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maybe depending on the infection

I really don't think you should be at school with a viral infection. it can either get wrose or better i would wait out the infection at home. it would be alot safer for you and for the other children around you. to make sure go to your doctor and find out what type of infection and get help for it.

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1mo ago

It's best to stay home when you have a viral infection to prevent spreading it to others. Rest and recovery are important, and staying home can also help you recover more quickly and avoid passing the infection to your classmates or teachers.

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Q: If you have a viral infection should you be in school?
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Is HIV a viral or bacterial?

HIV is a viral infection caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. It is not caused by bacteria.

What are the 3 stes of lysogenic infection?

The three stages of lysogenic infection are attachment, insertion (integration) of viral DNA into host DNA, and replication of the viral DNA along with host DNA.

What viral infection that leads to the integration of the viral genome into the host cell genome?

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a viral infection that leads to the integration of the viral genome into the host cell genome. This integration allows the virus to replicate along with the host cell's DNA, making it difficult for the immune system to eradicate the virus completely.

What are the differences between alytic infection and lysogemic infection?

In a lytic infection, the virus enters the host cell, takes over the cell machinery to replicate itself, and then destroys the host cell to release new viral particles. In contrast, in a lysogenic infection, the viral DNA integrates into the host cell's DNA and remains dormant without causing immediate harm; the viral DNA can be activated to enter the lytic cycle under certain conditions.

What is the difference between viral and a bacteria infection?

Viral infections are caused by viruses, which are smaller than bacteria and can only replicate inside a host cell. Bacterial infections are caused by bacteria, which are single-celled microorganisms that can reproduce on their own. Treatment for viral infections typically involves symptom management, while bacterial infections may require antibiotics.