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Usually cold, you can get creams for it, but you can also alternate between the two

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Q: If you have knoted muscles should you use heat or cold?
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Is cold compress bad for tired muscles?

A cold compress is good for swollen tissues. For tired muscles the best thing is heat or massage.

What happens to your muscles when your cold?

They constrict, cramp, & spasm in an attempt to prevent losing body heat.

Why does your hair stand on end when you get cold and scared?

The hair works as insulation for heat against the cold winds. When it is cold the erector muscles connected to the hair contracts.

How do muscles help keep the body warm?

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Why should you wear under amour?

There are two main types of under armour; cold gear and heat gear. You wear cold gear in the winter to stay warm. It's a little thicker but still skin tight to see muscles.. And heat gear is for summer and hot weather. Its thin and keeps your body cooler during heat waves..

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Where when why how On a cold night what makes you shiver Is it A. loss of heat from your body or B. Low humidity?

it is because of a biological change in body temperature which causes your muscles to get warmer and not cold.

Should cold pack or heat make a lump down?

A cold pack is to make lumps go down and a heat pack is for when your sick.

How can shivering help you to survive the cold?

Shivering is a reflex triggered in response to hypothermia in which muscles shake in an attempt to generate heat. The energy expended during the shaking becomes heat.

Are bees warm-blooded?

They are cold-blooded most of the time, but can vibrate certain muscles extremely fast to generate heat if need be.

What statement best explains why a person shivers when he or she is cold?

Shivering is the first signs because your muscles are contracting and expanding to make heat, because the more your muscles move the warmer your body temperature will be.

When should one use hot or cold compress?

hot compress. to promote vasodilation that relaxes the muscles