

Best Answer

Try it. It would help it. Nonetheless, only time will help you regain complete ballance.

Another Answer

No, probably not. Your inner ear is where your sense of balance originates. Sealed inside the inner ear is a jelly-like fluid that shifts position in response to your head movements, like water in a glass sloshes and swirls while you walk with it. Lining the inner ear are cells that sense this fluid's level and depth from moment to moment. These sensor cells transmit that information to the brain; these sensory impressions help your brain to form a sense of where you are in three dimensions, even if you are moving faster than your eyes can see.

When you spin, you cause the fluid in your inner ear to slosh around more than usual and cause too many cells inside the inner ear to send the message to your brain about your movements. When these messages to the brain get overloaded, you begin to feel dizzy. When you stop, the fluid can begin to settle down, and when you rest and move normally for awhile, the cells have time to gradually stop transmitting their messages to the brain. To spin in the opposite direction would cause the fluid in your inner ear to begin sloshing again, and you'd soon feel dizzier.

Another Answer!

I have tried this after spinning for a long while in a spin chair. It does help quite a bit but make sure to spin backwards about a third of how long you spun the original way, or you may get dizzy again from going that way. Of course, if you're really dizzy, like the first answer said, you will still need to take a few minutes to completely regain your balance.

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Q: If you spin round in one direction until you are dizzy will spinning the other way make you regain your balance?
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How does walking in circles make you dizzy?

It makes you dizzy because when you spin around, you don't feel steady anymore. So after spinning you feel like the earth keeps spinning, but it's really just you spinning.

The fluid filled circular canals of the inner ear are used for?

Your balance and equilibrium. Each of the canals lie in a different plane and depending on which way you bend, twist, or turn, the fluid inside of them will trigger tiny hairs that signal what your orientation is so you can make moves to correct it and not wind up on the floor. That's also why spinning in circles makes you dizzy. It gets the fluid within those canals spinning as well and throws off your balance so you can't stand up. Fun huh?

When you close your eyes and lay flat on your bed you feel dizzy like the room is spinning?

There is a good chance that you have vertigo. There are several causes, including Menier's disease. A doctor should test you and recommend treatment.

What part of the ear helps to maintain balance?

* The simi-circular canals helps your balance. The liquids within these canals move as your body spins or is leaning to one side. It then sends a signal to the brain telling it that the body is off balance. When you spin very fast in circles and you feel dizzy, this is because the liquids in the canal still need to settle down and stop moving or shaking. This is why you feel dizzy.

What is the danger of making yourself dizzy?

I don't believe there is a danger of making yourself dizzy. What happens when you are dizzy is a bit complicated, I hope you don't mind. Inside of your ears there is fluid, WAAY past your eardrums. when you spin, that fluid spins around, just like when you spin a water bottle. The nerves that are inside your ears that send the signals to your brain detect this, and your brain believes it's still spinning. The reason that some people throw up when they are dizzy is that the brain THINKS it's in danger, when really it's not, so in a desperate attempt to escape, they throw up. It's just nature. I hope that is understandable, considering it came from a twelve-year-old...;)

Related questions

How do you get dizzy?

You get dizzy by spinning around too much.

If the Earth is rotating why don't we get dizzy?

Our sense of balance comes from fluid in our ears. When you spin in a circle and come to a stop, inertia keeps the fluid in your ears spinning. This makes you feel dizzy. However, as the earth spins, the fluid in our ears is spinning at the same rate as our bodies. That is, it is moving relative to some non-moving point, but it is not moving relative to our bodies. That is why we don't get dizzy while spinning in a circle. Only after we come to a stop do we feel dizzy. That is the same reason we don't feel dizzy while the Earth rotates.

What is the relationship between dizziness and spinning?

The relation between dizziness and spinning is simply engaging to spinning will lead an individual to feel dizzy, more particularly if the spinning is fast. As you spin the senses are sending wrong signals through your brain and that is why a person will feel dizzy through spinning.

Why do feel dizzy when you spin around?

there is a fluid in your inner ear that has to do with balance, so when you stop, the fluid keeps spinning around, and your brain gets confused and you stumble and fall.

How does walking in circles make you dizzy?

It makes you dizzy because when you spin around, you don't feel steady anymore. So after spinning you feel like the earth keeps spinning, but it's really just you spinning.

Will people get dizzy and nauseous if spinning on the moon?


Why do you feel dizzy when you get up suddenly?

the reason you feel dizzy when you wake up is becase your body is using muscles that haven't been used for 8-9 hours, and your brain is just starting to function. the reason that you feel dizzy after you stop spinning is you brain was shaken up and lost its concentration balance.

What does it mean if it feels like the room is spinning?

you might be dizzy

What is it called when everything is spinning and you can't see right?

Being dizzy.

Can you give a sentence with the word dizzy?

If I drink too much wine I feel dizzy. Spinning in circles will make you dizzy. I get so dizzy, I see stars!

Can you get dizzy in space?

The concept of getting dizzy is based on liquid that is somewhere inside your head near both of you ears. When you spin around and around, that liquid keeps swiahing around too. When you stop, the liquid is still spinning, so you still feel like your spinning. That's how you get dizzy. So yes obviously now you can get dizzy in space.

Why do adults become dizzy and sick more quickly when spinning around than children?

There are many reasons why adults become dizzy and sick more quickly when spinning around than children. Adults are higher from the ground for example.