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Deserts are formed from geologic or climatic conditions that restrict the amount of rainfall or precipitation to a particular area. An example is a mountain range that removes water from the air as it rises, leaving a "rain shadow" on the downwind side.

The sand in deserts comes from erosion, and a lot of it. The earth is basically a huge rock and when the elements erode it you get sand. The familiar wavy dunes are formed by the wind. It does rain in the desert every now and then, but much less than in other climates.

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12y ago
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10y ago

Most of the world deserts are made by theequatorial wind belts.

At the equator warm air is always rising. This created wind belts that blow north and south away from the equator.

When air descends at the tropics of cancer and capricorn it is too dry for clouds to form. No clouds means no rain producing Deserts. E.g. the Sahara desert

Rainshadow also produce Deserts. Any moisture in the air will fall as air passes high mountain ranges, so land beyond the mountains receives little or no rain. The Gobi desert is produced by Rainshadow.

Cold Currents also produce deserts.

The southwestern coasts of Africa and South America are swept by cold currents upwelling from the ocean floor. These currents cool the air that passes over them, causing the water in the air to fall as rain before it reaches the land. The Namib and Atacama desert have formed because of these cold currents.

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13y ago

Mountains often bordering a desert create what is in geographic terms a "rain shadow." The mountains stop most of the rain from entering the soon to be desert. There also has to be an overall shortage of water in the area in the form of shallow aquifers, otherwise it won't become a desert. Also more often then not the soil becomes poor in nutrients because of the lack of rain fall.b Thus an area meeting most of these requirements will undergo a process of "desertification." Deserts can also be man made by draining the local water sources in area of low rainfall and high drainage of soil nutrients through excessive harvesting.

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9y ago

Deserts form due to lack of precipitation over a very long period of time. The largest desert in the world is in Antarctica.

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15y ago

Deserts are land formations where the rate of rain is very low and vegetation is sparce or non existent.

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12y ago

deserts are formed because the wind belt they fall under brings dry winds from the inland instead of rain bearing winds from sea.

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