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Several dendrites and one axon

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Q: In addition to the nucleus cytoplasm and cell membrane a single neuron possesses what?
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In addition to the nucleus cytoplasm and cell membrane a single neuron possesses?

5 chromosomes and a nucleus, each with popcorn and butter... Hope this helped! :)

What is the region between the cell membrane and the nucleus called?

cytoplasm is located between the cell membrane and the nucleus.

What are the 3 main part of cell?

cytoplasm, a cell membrane, and nucleus(DNA and RNA(nucleic acids))

The region between the cell membrane and nucleus?

The region between the cell membrane and the nucleus is called the CYTOPLASM

What is the structure between the cytoplasm and the nucleus?

The nuclear membrane separates the cytoplasm and the nucleus.

Does a nucleus have cytoplasm?

As far as I know, a nucleus does not have cytoplasm. You can find cytoplasm inside the cell, but not inside the nucleus itself. The nucleus contains genetic material.

Is cytoplasm found inside the nucleus?

no, the nuclear membrane separates the nucleus and the cytoplasm.

What three things are in all cells?

I guess a Nucleus, Nucleolus and cytoplasm?

Everything inside the cell except the nucleus is part of what?

Cytoplasm- Everything inside the cell membrane except for the nucleus.

Gel-like fluid where the organelles are found?

Fluid in the nucleus--nucleoplasm Fluid between the nucleus and the plasma membrane--cytoplasm

What do a cytoplasm do?

the cytoplasm includes everything found in a cell membrane but the nucleus

Which of the following is not a basic component of a cell membrane. Microvilli Plasma Membrane Nucleus Cytoplasm?

if it can be more than one, it would be the nucleus and cytoplasm, if not, then nucleus because it is an extreme outlier.