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No. A recessive gene can be inherited from one parent, a dominant from another, or two alike dominants. (No such thing as two alike recessive, the gene with the furthest back dominant gene. Say a blonde little girl has a blonde hybrid mother and a brown hybrid father. She ended up getting brown recessive. Since both of her parents were hybrid, she only had a recessive hair color gene from one parent.

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An offspring can inherit a recessive trait if both of its parents are homozygous for the dominant allele.

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Q: In order for a child to inherit a recessive trait both parents must be carriers of the recessive gene?
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What is a genetic disorder that a child can inherit from his parent?

The diseases sickle cell anemia and thalassemia, both of which are inherited blood disorders caused by recessive genes. The child must get the recessive gene from both of their parents to have the disease. If the child only gets the recessive gene from one parent, they will be a healthy carrier.

Are II-1 and II-2 carriers of the trait?

Yes II - 1 and II- 2 are carriers. They have a dominant trait but have a child with a recessive trait. They must be carriers.

Many inherited disorders of humans appear in children of parents who do not have the disorder how can you explain that the parents do not have the disorder but the child does?

The disorder is controlled by a recessive factor.

Why is it that two normal parents could have a child with pku?

PKU, phenolketonuria, is a genetic disease caused by a recessive gene. So, a person with one normal and one faulty gene for this characteristic will not have the disease, you have to have two faulty genes to have the disease. If two people who each have one gene for PKU have a child, that child can inherit the gene from each parent and therefore will have two copies, causing the recessive trait to manifest.

What are the chances of having an albino child if the mother is white and the father is black?

Both parents must be carriers of the recessive "albinism" gene. For people who do not have albinism, there is only a 1 in 100 chance that they are carriers of the recessive gene. If both parents are normally pigmented, that is, neither one of them has albinism, but they both happen to be carriers of the recessive "albinism" gene. Then there is a 1 in 4 chance they will have a child with albinism each time they concieve. One person in 17,000 in the U.S.A. has some type of albinism.

Related questions

If both parents are carriers what will the child be?

When a recessive trait is inherited from both parents, it will be expressed. If the trait is hemophilia, the child will be a hemophiliac.

What is the probability that each child born to two carriers of a recessive disorder allele will have the disorder?

The child will have the disorder, only if the recessive allele from both the parents is transferred to the child. Therefore, the probability is 1/4.

Can two O neg people have an A plus baby?

NO. The alleles that lead to "O-type" blood are recessive to the alleles that lead to "A-type" blood and the child would have to inherit this "A" from one of his/her parents. Given that both parents are "O", there is nobody to inherit the "A" from. (This issue also presents with the exclusive RH- in the parents and RH+ in the child, because RH+ is dominant over the recessive RH-.)

If an individual expresses a dominant disease will the children always inherit the disease?

Not always. It depends if the individual is a hybrid- meaning they have both the dominant and the recessive gene. They can pass on the recessive gene instead of the dominant one, and assuming the other parents also passes on the recessive gene, the child will not inherit the disease.

How is cockayne syndrome passed down from parent to offspring?

CS is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern. In order for a child to be affected by CS, he or she must inherit a mutation (-) in the same CS gene from both parents. The parents and other "carriers" of a single CS gene mutation remain healthy. Once a couple are known to carriers, they have a 1 in 4 (25%) chance of having another child with CS.

If a child is born with red hair MUST one of the parents have had red hair?

No. As with most recessive traits both parents could be only carriers of the gene, but not exhibit the characteristic themselves.

Is albinism heterozygous or homozygous?

genetically albinism is an autosomal recessive gene which in fact gives the child a 25% chance of inheriting the gene if both parents are carriers

2 A child is diagnosed with a rare genetic disease Neither parent has the disease How might the child have inherited the disorder?

Both parents are carriers of the recessive gene and if the child inherits that gene from both mother and father the child will have the disease even though the parents don't.

What is the probability of producing a normal child by two parents who are carriers for an autosomal recessive disorder?

75%. Explanation: if both parents are carriers than their Gametes would be Dd x Dd, resulting in DD (1/4), Dd (2/4), and dd(1/4), meaning that there is a 25% chance that they will have a child that has the disorder. DD = A normal child that lacks the recessive gene, therefore not a carrier Dd = A normal child that carries the recessive gene dd = A child with the disorder + carries the gene, hence the child's future offspring will carry it as well. Source: Self/Basic Punnet Square

If both parents have cystic fibrosis what is the probability that one child will have it?

It depends weather or not the woman carries the cystic fibrosis alele. If she carries a recessive CF allele, then the chances of her and the man having a child with CF is 1/4 But if she doesn't carry it then the child wont have CF but could carry the disorder as a recessive allele. again, the chances of that are 1/4.

What is a genetic disorder that a child can inherit from his parent?

The diseases sickle cell anemia and thalassemia, both of which are inherited blood disorders caused by recessive genes. The child must get the recessive gene from both of their parents to have the disease. If the child only gets the recessive gene from one parent, they will be a healthy carrier.

Is sickle cell an dominant or recessive?

Sickle cell anemia is an autosomal recessive disorder. It can result from two carriers having a child together.