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the pupil =]

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Q: In which part of the eyeball does light rays enter?
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What part of the human eyes permits light rays to enter?


What part of the eyeball function to refract light rays to form an image of the retina?

the cornea, which is a clear outer covering, refracts light onto the retina

What happens to the light rays as they travel to the back of the eyeball?

Light rays pass through a dense, transparent gel-like substance, called the vitreous that fills the globe of the eyeball and helps the eye hold its spherical shape.

Which statement explains why a short eyeball causes farsightedness?

The rays of light focus beyond the retina.

What part of the eye functions to bend light rays?

The Lens is the part of the eye that bends light rays .

What happens to light rays after they enter the pupil?

They die.

When light rays enter a medium at an angle they?

The light rays will refract towards the normal of the medium and emerge out at the same angle.

What causes light rays to bend when they enter a new medium in a new angle?

when light rays enter a new medium in a new angle it may speed up or speed down

What is incident ray of light?

It is a ray of light which arrives at a point of reference. The latter may be a point on a mirror, a prism, lens, your eyeball or whatever.

Dark center of the eye through which light rays enter?


What kind of meduim does not permit light rays to enter?

An opaque medium.

What is visible light part of?

Visible light is part of what is called the electromagnetic spectrum. Light is electromagnetic energy, and so are radio waves, microwaves, X-rays and gamma rays.