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Starch is broken down in the mouth, by salivary amylase; and in the small intestine, by pancreatic amylase.

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Q: In which two regions of the gut does starch digestion take place?
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Where does most of the chemical digestion take place in humans?

It is the Duodenum!Actually, most chemical digestion, in humans, takes place in the small intestine.Chemical digestion takes place in the small intestine, the stomach and the mouth.

Could chemical digestion take place if mechanical digestion did not occur?

Mechanical digestion, i.e. your body breaking up the food into smaller pieces, is largely meant to speed chemical digestion up. We know that the rate at which the chemical reaction takes place is dependent on four things: the physical state of the reactants involved in the reaction, the temperature at which the reaction takes place, the concentration of the reactants, and the presence of a catalyst. Each influences the rate of reaction in different ways. Mechanical digestion breaks the food into smaller pieces, i.e. changes the physical state. With the larger pieces broken into smaller ones, more surface area is exposed. With greater surface area exposure, chemical digestion can take place much more rapidly. However, if for some reason you could get just huge chunks of food down your throat without chewing it, your stomach still churns (mechanical digestion) and the contractions in your intestines also help to break up food. So technically yes, chemical digestion would take place, but at a much slower and inefficient manner.

State the function of polar regions of amino acids on the active site of the enzyme?

The function of polar regions of amino acids on the active site of the enzyme is that it allows the reaction to take place more easily. The active site is the place where the actual chemical reaction takes place.

How do mechanical and chemical digestion take place in the mouth?

Mechanical digestion is done by the action of upper and lower jaw, grinding food between the teeth.Chemical digestion is begun in the mouth by enzymes secreted by the salivary glands that begin to chemically break food particles into smaller components that can be absorbed by the body and used for metabolism. Chemical digestion continues in the stomach and small intestine.

If iodine were not available how would you determine whether starch hydrolysis occurred?

A dye would be needed if iodine were not available. The ingredients can also be scientifically measured to tell whether or not hydrolysis had occurred.