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Q: Interaction with a membrane-bound receptor will transduce the hormonal message via?
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Define a somatic receptor?

Receptors located on the body surface. They transduce/convert environmental energies (e.g. light, heat, pressure) into action potential that are processed by the brain.

Which of the choices below is not a factor required for target cell activation by hormone receptor interaction?

A type of hormone

Do Hormones bind to receptor proteins with high capacity and low affinity?

Hormones do not bind to receptors with high capacity. The major defining properties of a hormone-receptor interaction, and what determines the strength of response is binding affinity and efficacy.

What theory states that the active substance in a drug has a affinity for a specific chemical constituent of a cell?

The theory that states the active substance in a drug has an affinity for a specific chemical constituent of a cell is known as the receptor theory. According to this theory, drugs bind to specific receptors on cells and produce a biological response. This interaction between the drug and receptor is what mediates the pharmacological effects of the drug.

What are all the kinds of proteins?

on the basis of chemical structure and solubility: globular protein; albumin;globulin;proalamines and histones on the basis of functions: structural protein;enzymes and catalyst protein;transport protein,hormonal p.; contractile p.; storage p.; genetic p.; defence p.; and receptor protein.

What are important tissue receptor tumor markers?

estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, interleukin-2 receptor, and epidermal growth factor receptor.

Which receives signals a fluid mosaic model or a receptor?

a receptor

How hepatic viruses have affinity towards liver cells only?

basically, the viruses have a special compounds on their surface that binds ONLY to a receptor on the liver cell, and its not found on any other cell. so that's is how a virus for hepatitis C for instance ONLY infects the liver. its frankly a receptor ligand interaction

Why will a certain virus attach to only one or a few cell types?

Virus attachment is dependent upon the cell surface receptor that can interact with the protein on the virus surface. The interaction is akin to a lock and a key. The key is the protein on the virus, and the lock is the cell surface receptor. A key will only get into the correct lock.

Why will a certain virus will attach to only one or a few types of cells?

Virus attachment is dependent upon the cell surface receptor that can interact with the protein on the virus surface. The interaction is akin to a lock and a key. The key is the protein on the virus, and the lock is the cell surface receptor. A key will only get into the correct lock.

Explain why a certain virus will attach to only one or few types of cells?

Virus attachment is dependent upon the cell surface receptor that can interact with the protein on the virus surface. The interaction is akin to a lock and a key. The key is the protein on the virus, and the lock is the cell surface receptor. A key will only get into the correct lock.

What is the function of CD4?

CD4 is a surface receptor expressed by helper T lymphocytes, known as CD4+ T cells. Its purpose is to stablize the interaction between the T cell receptor (on the T cell) and an antigen-bearing MHC Class II molecule (on an antigen presenting cell). Under the right circumstances, this interaction activates CD4+ T cells that recognize an invading pathogen. Activated CD4+ T cells do many things, and are required for a robust adaptive immune response.