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It's usually BACTERIA only. It's only been documented in eukarya on a few occasions.

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Q: Is Conjugation a process carried out by bacteria and eukaryotes or eukaryotes only?
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What does bacteria do in the process of conjugation?

Bacteria exchange genetic material during the process of conjugation to ensure the rise of another offspring which is genetically different.

What process results in generically different bacteria?


How does bacteria exchange genetic information?

on plasmids in a process called conjugation

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What is the process called when dna is exchanged between two bacteria via cytoplasmic bridges?

The process is called conjugation.

Describe the three ways that bacteria can gain genetic diversity?

There are three main forms of horizontal transmission used to spread genes between members of the same or different species: conjugation (bacteria-to-bacteria transfer), transduction (viral-mediated transfer), and transformation (free DNA transfer).

Bacteria and protists both undergo conjugation why is this process more complex in protists than in bacteria?

Conjugation in bacteria is less complex because the DNA is only transferred to the one other cell. Conjugation in protist is more complex because the DNA from both cells are being put together to form a whole new cell.

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In bacteria genes may be transferred through a pilus which acts like a bridge in a process called?

Conjugation - its when genetic material is transferred between two bacterial cells that are temporarily joined. The transfer is also one-way.

The process by which one strain of bacteria is apparently changed into another strain is called what?

conjugation or transduction or translation are the three process by which bacteria can change from one form to other

Where does trancription occur?

Transcription is the process of formation of RNA. It takes place in nucleus in eukaryotes and in nucleoid in bacteria or prokaryotes .

Describe the process of reproduction in bacteria?

Conjugation is a sexual form of reproduction in bacteria. It is when the DNA/RNA from one bacteria crosses to another bacteria to reproduce through a pilus. Binary Fission is an asexual form of reproduction in bacteria when the cell splits and forms two new bacteria.