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Eukaryotes have a nucleus, prokaryotes do not.

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No Prokaryotes have their DNA loose in the cytosol of the cell. Eykaryotes have a membrane bound nucleus containing the DNA.

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Q: Is DNA contained within a nucleus for both prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
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DNA is contained within a membrane-bound nucleus in?

Eukaryotes. ^__^

DNA is contained within a membrane bound nucleus in?


What is the prokaryotes definition?

A simple organism without nucleus: an organism whose DNA is not contained within a nucleus

Does prokaryotic hold DNA?

Prokaryotes do have DNA, it just is not contained within a nucleus. It is loosely bound within the prokaryote.

Where are hereditary or genetic materials inside a Cell found?

They are located within the Chromosome: freely floating in Prokaryotes; contained within the nuclear envelope in Eukaryotes.

Another name for prokaryote?

Prokaryotes are non-nucleated cells. That is, the genetic material is not contained within a nucleus, like eukaryotes, but is distributed around the cell. Bacteria are an example of prokaryotes, and one would be relatively safe using this as a substitute. Bacteria is another name for a prokayote.

Where are the genes of a eukaryotic organism located?

Genes are found within the DNA code of chromosomes in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Chromosomes are found in the nucleus of eukaryotes.

How is the DNA in a prokayrote different from the DNA in a eukayrote?

DNA in eukaryotes is linear, whereas prokaryotes have circular DNA (with no ends). DNA in eukaryotic cells is found within the nucleus. Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus.

In eukaryotes DNA...?

Contained within structures called chromosomes that collectively reside within the cell's nucleus that is itself bounded by the nuclear envelope.

What material contained within the nucleus?

Chromatin material is contained within the nucleus.

Which observation provides evidence that a cell is most likely a prokaryote cell?

It has DNA that is not contained within the nucleus.

Why bacteria is a eukaryote?

Bacteria are prokaryotes. They do not contain intracellular membranes that make organelles. The definition of specific compartments within a cell would make them eukaryotes. Bacteria do not have any real divisions in their cell (no nucleus, no ER, no Golgi) therefore they are not eukaryotes.