

Is a bean plant a decomposer?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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11y ago

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yes a bean plant is a decomposer

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Q: Is a bean plant a decomposer?
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Is a bean plant a producer consumer or decomposer?

All producers are green, at least some part of them are. The tops of carrots fit this definition.

How do you plant a bean?

To plant a bean you first have to take a bath in the woods then you have a bean.

Is a bean a seedless plant?

No bean is not seedless plant

What part of a plant is bean?

The bean is the seed of the plant.

How does the action of decomposer benefit plant?

A decomposer can add nutrients to itself and also to the soil around a plant for the plant to use.

Which one is last. A plant predator prey decomposer?

The decomposer is generally last in the list that includes the plant, the predator, and the prey along with the decomposer. The decomposer actually removes remaining tissue and plant parts from the area and returns it to the soil.

Is a bean plant a dicot?

Yes, bean plant is a dicot

What is the reproduction of the bean plant?

There are two reproductive organs of a bean plant. These two reproductive organs of a bean plant are the ovary and stamen.

Is a bean plant tropical?

What type of bean plant are we talking about? John

Is seeweed a decomposer?

No it is a plant. But if you need a decomposer for the ocean Try marine worm.

What plant to kidney beans come from?

The kidney bean plant. If you actually take a kidney bean from a goya bean package and put it in dirt and water, it will actually grow. The kidney bean plant is a fast growing bean plant that does not require support like a bean pole like peas.

Is a bean plant flowering?

A bean plant will flower before producing beans which are the seeds of the plant.