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Oak trees are eukaryotic organisms and so have eukaryotic cells.

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Q: Is a cell of an oak leaf a prokaryotic cell?
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Is a cell of an oak leaf prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

It is a eukaryote. "Eukaryotic organisms, like mushrooms, pine trees, and your best friend, are all made of cells with a nucleus and surrounding membrane."

What type of cell is bacteria?

prokaryotic cell

Cell that do not have nucleus?

prokaryotic cells

Why cant you use a oak leaf under a microscope?

You can use an oak leaf under a microscope, but you wont see anything. Haha, the oak leaf is too thick to be able to see the cells, and obviously what in inside of the cell. If you want to see something under a microscope that is a plant cell, onion skin works well! Hope I helped!

What is a cell lacking nucleus?

A prokaryotic cell (e.g. a bacterial cell).

What is the leaf of an oak tree called?

an oak tree leaf duuh

What is a part of a prokaryotic cell?

A cell without a nucleus is called prokaryotic cell.

Is a cell with no nucleus called a prokaryotic cell?

no the prokaryotic cell also has nuclues

Are Giardia prokaryotic cell or eukaryotic cell?


Is bacterial a prokaryotic cell or eukaryotic cell?

It's prokaryotic

Is cell membrane a prokaryotic?

In order for a cell to be prokaryotic, it must NOTcontain a nucleus. Parts of the cell, like the membrane, cannot be prokaryotic or eukaryotic. The cell as a whole is either prokaryotic or eukaryotic.

When was Oak Leaf Stakes created?

Oak Leaf Stakes was created in 1969.