

Is blood and bone related

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Many blood cells are produced in bone marrow, so yes.

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Q: Is blood and bone related
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Which anatomical structures in compact bone house blood vessel?

Most connective tissue, including bone, is highly vascular. Which anatomical structures in mr.s morgan's compact bone house blood vessels? What sign of symptom in mrs. morgan's case is directly related to disruption of these structures by her bone fractures? how is the sign or symptom related to these anatomical structures?

Can bones move blood through out the body?

Bones don't move blood throughout the body but they do have a hand in producing blood. Bone marrow produces blood cells. To learn more about bone marrow, see the Related Links below.

Which structures in compact bone house blood vessels?

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How do red blood cells and bones work together?

blood flows around the bone to make more cells

What originates in bone marrow?

Bone marrow produce red and white blood cells.

What does myeloid mean?

Myeloid refers to cells in the bone marrow that give rise to white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. Myeloid cells are part of the immune system and play a role in fighting infection and inflammation.

What is the innermost part of the bone where blood vessels are manufactured?

The inner part of the bone is called bone marrow. In fact, new blood is produced in bone marrow, not the blood vessels.

Where in your body is blood produced?

blood is produced in your bone, called bone marrow.

What blood is made in the bone?

White blood cells are released from bone marrow

Where the blood is produce?

Blood cells are produced in bone marrow , blood proteins in liver .

Why did the doctor feel your shin bone when you went for blood pressure medication update?

Checking for edema (swelling) in the legs is a normal part of a blood pressure-related exam.

Bone marrow make what inside the bone?

bone marrow produces blood cells. There are three types of blood cells; red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.