

Is blood type a polygenic trait?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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yes examples are there is one gene for all blood type like A, B, AB, O

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Q: Is blood type a polygenic trait?
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When more than two alleles are involved in the inheritance of a trait, it is called polygenic inheritance. Many quantitative characters have polygenic inheritance. Inheritance of blood groups is an example of polygenic inheritance in human being.When more than two alleles are involved in the inheritance of a trait, it is called polygenic inheritance. Many quantitative characters have polygenic inheritance. Inheritance of blood groups is an example of polygenic inheritance in human being.

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What is a polygenic trait-?

In genetics, a polygenic trait is a distinguishing characteristic or quality for which the phenotype (appearance) depends on alleles in multiple genes.

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Polygenic traits result in more variation because so many more alleles are involved in the process of reproduction.

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Trait controlled by two or more genes?

Polygenic Traits

How many genes determine an inherited trait?

Hello there! Traits controlled by two or more genes are for example skin color and height.