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is bone marrow apart of your immune system

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Q: Is bone marrow a part of your immume system?
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Related questions

What system is the bone marrow from?

well bone marrow is a substance that is inside of the bone, so there for bone marrow is part of the skeletal system.

What is the soft part on the bone called?

The innermost part of the bone in called the Bone Marrow or inner bone

What part of the lymphatic system produces t cells?

bone marrow

How does the skeleton produce blood cells?

Bone Marrow- red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow of SOME bones (not all) to carry oxygen and white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow of SOME bones (not all) to help protect against infection.

What is a bone marrow biopsy?

it is a bone that has a marrow in the middle of the musle that causes the bone to have a marrow biopsy

Does marrow give the bone strength?

No! bone marrow is actually quite soft and flexible, marrow produces new blood cells, and play a large part in the bodies immune system..

The innermost part of bones contain what?

Bone marrow.

Which part of a long bone contains red marrow?

The hollow interior part of a long bone contains bone marrow.

What blood cells?

Bone marrow, which is part of the lymphatic system, is what produces blood cells.

Where can blood marrow be found?

bone marrow is found in the center part of the bone, on the inside

What is the best part of the skeletal system?

Although this question requires more opinion versus simply facts, I'd say the best part of the skeletal system is the bone marrow. Without bone marrow, the substance known as bone would not develop and fractured bones could not heal.

Why is bone marrow considered to be part of the cardiovascular system?

All blood cells are produced in the bone marrow. Bone marrow that actively produces blood cells is called red marrow, and bone marrow that no longer produces blood cells is called yellow marrow. Read more: