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Chromatin is made up of DNA spirals. Chromatin makes up chromosomes.

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1mo ago

Chromatin is made up of proteins and DNA. The DNA wraps around proteins called histones to form nucleosomes, which further coil and condense to create chromatin structure.

Fats are not a major component of chromatin.

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12y ago

Histone proteins and DNA strands wound around it

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Q: Is chromatin made up of proteins and DNA or fats and proteins?
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What is made in the nucleus?

DNA and Proteins. Also known as Chromatin.

What does chromatin in a nucleus contain?

Chromatin, found inside the nucleus, is made up of DNA and proteins.

What is the chemical composition of chromatin?

Chromatin is primarily composed of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and proteins called histones. The DNA wraps around histone proteins to form nucleosomes, which are the basic structural unit of chromatin. Other proteins, such as non-histone chromosomal proteins, also contribute to chromatin structure and function.

What is composed of DNA and proteins?

Chromatin is composed of DNA and histone proteins. Histone proteins help package and condense DNA into a complex structure that fits within the nucleus of a cell.

Is naked DNA called chromatin?

No, naked DNA is not called chromatin. Chromatin refers to the complex of DNA and proteins that make up a chromosome. Naked DNA refers to DNA that is not associated with proteins or organized into chromatin structure.

What are chromatin made of?

Chromatin is made up of DNA and proteins, primarily histones. DNA is wrapped around histone proteins to form nucleosomes, which further condense to form chromatin. This complex structure helps regulate gene expression and enables DNA packaging within the cell nucleus.

What is made up of DNA coiled around proteins?

Chromosomes are made up of DNA coiled around proteins called histones. The DNA and histone proteins together form a structure called chromatin, which helps pack the genetic material efficiently inside the cell nucleus.

What deos chromatin consist of?

Chromatin is made up of majorly DNA and a considerable amount of proteins (histones). "Beads on the string" structure (DNA coiled to the histones) condense the amount of DNA to form chromatins.

Which cellular structure contains thin strands of DNA known as chromatin?

The nucleus contains thin strands of DNA known as chromatin. Chromatin is made up of DNA and proteins, and it packages the DNA to fit inside the nucleus of a cell.

The spools from which the DNA unwinds is made of what?

The spools that DNA unwinds from are made of proteins called histones. These histones help to package and organize the long strands of DNA into a condensed structure known as chromatin.

Chromatin is made up of what two things?

Chromatin is the complex combination of DNA and proteins that makes up chromosomes. It is found inside the nuclei of eukaryotic cells.

Molecules consisting of DNA plus proteins?

Chromatin is the complex of DNA and proteins found within the nucleus of a cell. It helps regulate gene expression and forms chromosomes during cell division. The proteins associated with DNA in chromatin include histones and non-histone proteins.