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It can be entirely passive, since the lungs expel air as they deflate. However, voluntarily breathing out forcefully is part of some exercises, using the abdominal muscles to push the diaphragm upward.

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Q: Is expiration during respiration passive or active and what muscles are used?
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What muscles are used for expiration?

The primary muscle used in active expiration is the diaphragm (it relaxes from its contracted state to decrease the volume in the lungs, forcing air out). Internal intercostals, the interosseous portion, will assist by pulling the rib cage down.

Is breathing out in crocodiles active or passive?

Active - as it involves the contraction of muscles.

Do the muscles function in passive exhalation or active inhalation?

Passive means passive - no muscle action is necessary. You must use your muscles to inhale ... and you can use them to speed up exhalation.

Why is inhilation described as an active process?

OInhalation is a process that relies on contraction of muscles while exhalation is a process that is USUALLY-not always-passive because it relies on the relaxation of muscles. However, when you speak, sing, or blow out a candle the muscles between the ribs and abs contract, making it active.

What is active phase of respiration?

inspirationInpiration involves contraction of muscles. This is an energy requiring process

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What is active exhalation?

Active Exhalation a.k.a. Forced Expiration - Accessory muscles are used to assist passive forces Accessory muscles used: INTERNAL RIB CAGE MUSCLES- 1. Internal Intercostals 2. Transversus Thoracis 3. Subcostals EXTERNAL RIB CAGE MUSCLES- 1.Serratus Posterior Inferior 2.Quadratus Lomborum ABDOMINAL MUSCLES- 1. Rectus Abdominis 2. External Oblique 3. Internal Oblique 4. Transversus Abdominis Hope this helps :D

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Passive (diffusion).

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