

Is hand size inherited or enviromental?

Updated: 6/18/2024
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Hand size is largely determined by genetics, meaning it is inherited from our parents. Environmental factors such as nutrition and physical activity can also play a role in the development and growth of hands, but genetics have a significant influence on overall hand size.

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Q: Is hand size inherited or enviromental?
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Is the length of a hair an example of inherited or enviromental variation?

The length of a hair is an example of inherited variation influenced by genetics. While environmental factors like diet and stress can affect hair health, the actual length of hair is primarily determined by genetic factors passed down from parents.

Is wearing glasses inherited or enviromental?

Wearing glasses can be inherited through genetic factors, as certain eye conditions that require corrective lenses can be passed down through generations. However, environmental factors such as excessive screen time or poor lighting can also contribute to the need for glasses by causing eye strain or other vision problems.

What is the average size of a child's hand?

The average size of a child's hand varies depending on the age of the child. Generally, for children ages 6-12, the average hand length is about 5-6.5 inches. Palm width can range from 2.5-3.5 inches.

Woman's average hand size?

The average length of a woman's hand, according to experts is any size of a female basketball player, aka not natalie. Actually the above is totally wrong. The average length of a woman's hand is one that fits into a size small/medium glove, therefore anything larger must be a man's. This in case, if you find your hand is larger than most hands of women your age, your a monster.

What are three inherited traits of plants?

Three inherited traits of plants are leaf shape, flower color, and seed size. These traits are passed down through the plant's genetic material from one generation to the next. They play a key role in determining the plant's appearance and reproductive success.

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inherited - from you parents or grandparents and so on. enviromental - from your environment

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An inherited factor is passed on through the genes of the parents. An environmental factor has to do with influences in the environment. Inherited factors cannot be changed, while environmental factors usually can be.

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Inherited variation is what is passed on through genetics, for example, your eye color. Environmental variation is influnced by the environment, for example, scars or clothing styles.

-Can it be inherited heart disease?

No, it is enviromental, by Poor Diet, Alchahol, Smoking etc. Hope this helps(: Zach:P Lolage, I hate you too LOL LOL LOL LOL LOl Not rewlly:)

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The length of a hair is an example of inherited variation influenced by genetics. While environmental factors like diet and stress can affect hair health, the actual length of hair is primarily determined by genetic factors passed down from parents.

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You can tell the size of your hand by measuring around your hand using a tape measure across your palm.

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