

Is iron found in red blood cells?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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10y ago

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Iron is extremely important for your body because it helps your body to make red blood cells which supply your body with oxygen. Some foods with high iron content are peas, beans, eggs and tuna.

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10y ago

Yes. Iron is found in the form called hemoglobin. Red Blood Cells are about 1/3 hemoglobin. Its' job is carry oxygen.

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Where is iron present in your body?

Iron is found mostly in the blood, particularly in the hemoglobin of red blood cells.

Which substance is the iron countaining protein found in red blood cell?

Hemoglobin is the protein that contains iron in red blood cells.

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What element that makes the blood red?

The protein hemoglobin, found in the red blood cells, is what makes blood red.

Does iron produce red blood cells?

No, you don't. Otherwise, vegetarians wouldn't exist as they wouldn't have any red blood cells to provide oxygen to breathe.

Is hemoglobin only found in the red blood cells?

hemoglobin is found in red blood cells. Oxygen binds to hemoglobin which is composed of four iron particulates.

What is the relationship between red blood cells and iron?

iron supports the formation of new red blood cells

What is in cells in the blood that carry oxygen?

Hemoglobin is the iron-containing molecule that transports oxygen. Hemoglobin is found in red blood cells.

How does iron create red blood cells?

No - iron does not create them. However red blood cells must contain iron so it is needed for the cells to be formed.

What is the iron containing protein that is found in red blood cells and carries oxygen from the lungs?

The iron-containing protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen is called hemoglobin.

What makes a red blood cells red?

The iron in your blood

Is the protein found in red blood cells that give blood its color.?

iron. the blood contains iron and when you breathe, you give oxygen to it. so your blood is red pretty much because of oxidized iron. the red blood cells take the oxygen through the body and when it is deposited the blood turns blue, that's why the veins in your wrist are blue.