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I think you are referring to a diploid organism: one that has two of each chromosome.

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Q: Is is an organism or cell with two sets of chromosomes?
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What is diploid condition?

A diploid refers to a cell or an organism with two sets of chromosomes.

If a organism has 2N8 how many chromosomes does it have?

it has two sets of chromosomes

How mant sets of chromosomes are in a diploid cell?

diploid cells have double set of chromosomes. It varies across species. For example, diploid human cell has 46 chromosomes, while a cell of carp fish has about 100 chromosomes, very roughly.

How many sets of chromosomes do polyploids have in their cell?

More than two sets of chromosomes

What is a polyploidi?

An organism that contains more than two sets of chromosomes.

What is polyploidy?

Polyploidy is the condition in which an organism has extra sets of chromosomes. It can be defined as a chromosomal alteration in which the organism posses more than two complete chromosome sets. Classified as an accident in cell division.

When a cell has two sets of chromosomes it is said to be haploid?

Yeppers it is a haploid when only two chromosomes appear to be in a cell,

Which type of cell has two full sets of genetic information?

A diploid cell contains two sets of chromosomes.

A cell such as a somatic cell that contains two sets of chromosomes is said to be what?

A cell such as a somatic cell that contains two sets of chromosomes is said to be a diploid.

Describe the sets of chromosomes in the two new cells that result from cell division?

If it is mitotic division the sets of chromosomes in each cell will be 2n.

A cell that contain two sets of chromosomes is said to be what?

Diploid cell

When DNA is combined from two different sources what kind of organism does it produce?

If the two different sources of DNA are a sperm and egg cell, they produce a diploid organism, which means that it has two sets of chromosomes in its body cells.