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It is not abnormal.

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Q: Is it normal to experience a sharp pain such as a nerve or muscle spasm near the right ovary when experiencing a clitoral orgasm?
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Is it normal to experience a sharp pain such as a nerve or muscle spasm near the right ovary when experiencing a clitoral orgasm both with and without penetration?

AnswerMaybe, think about it. You could have caused your muscles to tense up during the orgasm. I have personally experienced this same sensation. It happened for about a month. I found that the only thing that had changed that month was my diet. I had stopped eating as many veggies as usual...perhaps a vitamin deficiency could have caused our muscles to be a bit atrophied naturally which in turn created an uncomfortable spasm when we climaxed.

Is back pain normal when returning to a normal workout regimen?

When experiencing back pain of any kind I would recommend seeing your doctor. Working out is always strenuous and sometimes there could be a muscle pulled but it is always best to have it looked at.

What is a normal experience?

An experience that is completely normal

Can it happen where you got your period but you did not get the cramps and the side affects?

Menstrual cramps are NOT a normal part of healthy menstruation - as for 'side-effects' different people can experience different things, but negative symptoms are preventable. It's normal to menstruate without experiencing menstrual cramps, it's abnormal to experience menstrual cramps.

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Hello. This could be because you have Asthma. I get this myself and its perfectly harmless. Or you may be experiencing a slight palpitation which is also normal. I'm not sure if a palpitation is all that normal. If a fluttering is in the chest after a sneeze, my bet would be on a twitching or an intermittent spasm of the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a muscle that sits at the base of the lungs and is responsible for allowing you to take air in and out. During a sneeze, the diaphragm has a violent and intense contraction. After the sneeze, it is quite possible to experience this muscle twitching. Any muscle that contracts in such a way can still have residual aberrant contractions.

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The technical term for prepuce is foreskin. The prepuce, also called the clitoral hood, is mainly erogenous tissue that is needed for normal sexual function.

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you have then stretched your tendon / muscle beyond the normal range .

Is it normal that on day seven of starting pill experiencing bleeding but not like normal period no cramps or pain?

Yes it's normal to experience some spotting. This usually goes away after your body gets used to being on the pill. Give it a few months, if you keep having spotting, you may need to switch the brand of pill that you're on.

What symptoms do people with juvenile Pompe disease exhibit?

They may initially complain about muscle weakness and experience failure to progress in terms of motor development, even though intelligence is normal.

What symtoms do people with juvenile Pompe disease exhibit?

They may initially complain about muscle weakness and experience failure to progress in terms of motor development, even though intelligence is normal.