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Q: Is it true that The mastoid sinuses are located at a position in the skull where they are usually free from infections?
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Are Sinuses found in the temporal bone?

The paranasal sinuses (which surround the nose) are found in the following bones: frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, and maxillary. The maxillary sinuses are the largest of all sinuses. There are also sinuses found near the mastoid process of the temporal bone called the mastoid sinuses. The mastoid sinuses communicates with the inner ear, whereas the paranasal sinuses communicate with the nasal cavity.

What sinuses is in high risk of infection spreading from the middle ear?

mastoid sinuses

What contains mastoid sinuses?

I'm just back from the doctors having been told I've an infection in my mastoid sinus, so yes.

Where are all the sinuses located?

The paranasal sinus is behind your nose and cheeks. The medical term for it is called the maxillae

Where are the ethmoid sinuses?

The sinuses are paired air pockets located within the bones of the face. They are: the ethmoid sinuses; located between the eyes, just behind the bridge of the nose.

Are your sinuses located above your upper gums?

Yes, but your sinuses are also located in other various parts of your face. Here's an article that I thought had a good picture of your sinuses.

What are sphenoid sinusitis?

The sinuses are paired air pockets located within the bones of the face. They are: the sphenoid sinuses; Located just behind the ethmoid sinuses, and behind the eyes.

What sinuses are located just above the eyebrows?

If you have a headache just about your eyes, it is very likely that it is your sinuses. Sinus pressure can be very painful.

What sinuses are located above the eyebrows?


Where are frontal sinuses located?

The Sinus cavities in the human skull help by there to reduce weight, without them, we would all have neck pain.

What are the side effects of cisapride?

abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, upper respiratory infections, inflammation of the nasal passages and sinuses, headache, and viral infections.

The dural sinuses are located in the?

dural folds