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The right and left hemispheres of the brain do not preform the same functions. the left hemisphere is responisble for functions that control the right side of the body and the right hemisphere is responsible for the functions controlling the left side of the body.

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1mo ago

No, the dominant cerebral hemisphere is typically the left hemisphere in most individuals. The left hemisphere is responsible for language processing and logical reasoning, making it the dominant side for many cognitive functions.

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11y ago

The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body. It also controls things such as , music, singing, more or less ascetic (Emotional) things. While the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body, and things such as , reasoning, ability to do mathematical problems, intellectual things.

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12y ago

It depends on how you as an iduvidual value things. This is like asking whether a cat or a dog is better, some people will say a cat while others will say a dog.

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Q: Is it true that the dominant cerebral hemisphere is usually the right?
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Which hemisphere of the cerebral cortex is usually dominant in spatial tasks?

The right hemisphere of the cerebral cortex is typically dominant in spatial tasks. It helps with tasks such as interpreting maps, recognizing faces, and understanding relationships between objects in space.

Does the cerebral dominance designate the hemisphere that is dominant for language?

Yes, cerebral dominance typically designates the hemisphere that is dominant for language. In most right-handed individuals, language dominance is in the left hemisphere, while in some left-handed individuals, it can be in either hemisphere or shared between them.

The left cerebral hemisphere is typically superior to the right in what?

The left cerebral hemisphere is typically superior in language processing, logic, and analytical thinking compared to the right hemisphere. It is also often dominant for right-hand motor control in the majority of individuals.

What is cerebral dominance?

Cerebral dominance refers to the tendency for one hemisphere of the brain to be more involved in certain cognitive functions than the other. In most people, the left hemisphere is dominant for language and logic, while the right hemisphere is dominant for spatial awareness and creativity. However, the degree of dominance can vary among individuals.

Right cerebral hemisphere controls?

The right cerebral hemisphere controls the left side of the body. This is the creative side of the brain.

The left cerebral hemisphere is usually dominant?

The left hemisphere is more logical and solves problems that require complex symbol manipulation. The right hemisphere evaluates sensory information quickly and makes "aesthetic" judgments.Since we usually direct our behaviour by making reasoned decisions, in those cases the left hemisphere is the controlling side, but experiments have demonstrated that split-second reactions are managed by the right-brain, which can respond better to what we perceive than to what we think.

The ------- cerebral hemisphere is dominant?

The left hemisphere is more logical and solves problems that require complex symbol manipulation. The right hemisphere evaluates sensory information quickly and makes "aesthetic" judgments.Since we usually direct our behaviour by making reasoned decisions, in those cases the left hemisphere is the controlling side, but experiments have demonstrated that split-second reactions are managed by the right-brain, which can respond better to what we perceive than to what we think.

Is it normal for a left brained person in college to be terrible at writing?

Not necessarily. While left-brained individuals may excel more in logical and analytical tasks, it doesn't determine their writing abilities. Writing skills can be developed with practice and guidance, regardless of your dominant hemisphere.

Does the right cerebral hemisphere receives sensory input from the left or right side?


What hemisphere of the brain is the dominant hemisphere the right or left?

The dominant hemisphere for most people is the left hemisphere of the brain. It is typically responsible for language processing, logical reasoning, and problem-solving. However, some individuals may have a dominant right hemisphere, which is associated with creativity, intuition, and emotion processing.

What region of the brain is Broca's area located?

Broca's area is located in the frontal lobe of the dominant hemisphere of the brain, typically the left hemisphere for right-handed individuals. It is involved in the production of speech and language processing.

Right cerebral hemisphere receives sensory input from the right side?
