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It is Polysynaptic

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13y ago

I would call it an organic reflex.

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Q: Is pupillary light reflex a monosynaptic or polysynaptic reflex?
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Related questions

Is the pupillary light reflex autonomic and somatic?

Pupillary light reflex is autonomic.

The pupillary light reflex is control by what autonomic nervous system?

pupillary light reflex is controlled by parasympathetic branch of Autonomous nervous system

What is photopupillary reflex?

Photopupillary reflex is pupillary constriction in response to light.

What is the receptor in pupillary reflex and the effector do both change simultaneously in pupillary reflex?

The receptor is the retina of the eye; smooth muscle of the iris is the effector. They both change simultaneously because the pupillary light reflex is contralateral.

Pupillary light reflex somatic or autonomic?


How does the patella reflex differ from the pupillary reflex?

The two are different because of what triggers the reflex. While the patella is triggered through the sense of touch, the pupillary is triggered through light.

Is the pupillary light reflex sympathetic?

While pupillary size in principle is controlled both by the sympathetic and the parasympathic nervous system, the typical closure of the pupil after illumination (i.e. the pupillary light reflex) is mediated by the parasympathetic innervation of the constrictor muscle of the pupil.

What reflexes are classified as autonomic reflexes?

The ciliospinal reflex and the pupillary light reflex are classified as autonomic reflexes.

Name the division of autonomic nervous system responsible for pupillary light reflex?

The division of autonomic nervous system responsible for pupillary light reflex is the parasympathetic system. This is what causes the pupils to close down or open up in response to lighting conditions.

Is the pupillary light reflex contralateral or ipsilateral?

The patellar reflex is ipsilateral. If the stimulus is applied to left knee cap, the left knee responds. On the other hand, if the right knee were to respond to a left knee stimulus, the response would be considered contralateral.

What is papillary reflex?

You probably mean the pupillary reflex. It is the reflex responsible for your pupils constricting (becoming smaller) when exposed to light and dilating (becoming bigger) when you walk into a dark room.

Reflex constriction of the pupils when viewing close objects?

Type your answer here... Constriction of the pupils is inability to adapt to changing light.